


In today’s episode, I talk about the importance of being clear about why and how you want your business to look. By understanding your why, you’ll be able to share your message with your audience, and they will know who you serve and how. By knowing how you want your business to look, you’ll know […]


I always love showing the behind-the-scenes, I always love going live in our groups, and the initiative is always for collaborations, getting together, and putting our minds together. So, for today’s episode, you’re going to hear one of our insiders circle Mastermind. This Mastermind is about social media, and it was led by Kausar & […]


If you missed the Facebook Group Live, Take Over with guest teacher Heidy De La Cruz, listen now to learn how to launch your podcast!  In this masterclass, Heidy discusses how she got into podcasting, the history of podcasting, the equipment needed to start, the checklist to start, the pros and cons of podcasting, tips […]


After receiving bad advice about how to make six figures, Alia learned how to do lead generation that felt authentic, wasn’t burning herself out, and enjoyed running her business.  Alia studied business and marketing and shared that Instagram isn’t the end-all, be-all marketing strategy; it’s just a social media platform at the end of the […]


At the beginning of my digital product journey, I learned two lessons:  1. Not everything that glitters is gold, meaning just because you made a great offer doesn’t mean it’s going to sell.  2. Having a funnel is where it’s at.  So, in this episode, I share more about these lessons and where the magic […]


Today’s episode is a little different—Rebecca interviews me! This time, I’m in the hot seat!  Listen in as we talk about why I started this podcast, and I share some behind-the-scenes information. I share the story of how the name Monetizing Mompreneur Podcast came above – it had a different name before. And I share […]


Today, I’m going to take you through some affirmations that really help me, and I hope that they serve you. Let me help you eliminate that negative chatter and negative self-talk. While the episode plays – repeat the affirmations after me!  My hope is that these affirmations will help you on your journey, and if […]


Today, Aimme shares the story of how she created a money mindset in her mind, a story about how she failed her family when she didn’t reach a certain income. Today, Aimme shares the story of how she created a money mindset in her mind, a story about how she failed her family when she […]


In this episode, I’m talking to you about just going for it and the lessons I learned along the way! Listen now to hear a few of my lessons learned, like the need for systems, such as SOPs, Trello, and Click-Up. I also discussed how I used digital products like my course to gain clients.  […]


Heather Crabtree is a business consultant and growth strategist who has been transforming businesses for over 12 years. Today she shares how she navigated her business through a difficult season of life. In this episode, you will learn about Heather’s background in law, why she pivoted to own her own business, and how she navigated […]

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