Marketing and Business



In today’s episode, I talk about the importance of being clear about why and how you want your business to look. By understanding your why, you’ll be able to share your message with your audience, and they will know who you serve and how. By knowing how you want your business to look, you’ll know […]


I always love showing the behind-the-scenes, I always love going live in our groups, and the initiative is always for collaborations, getting together, and putting our minds together. So, for today’s episode, you’re going to hear one of our insiders circle Mastermind. This Mastermind is about social media, and it was led by Kausar & […]


Did you know that Facebook groups attract over 1.8 billion users each month? That means there are over 1 billion people out there who are looking for you, your services, and your expertise. How will they find you though? Your Facebook Group name. In today’s episode, Linda dives into why a Facebook Group is essential […]


Hello Love! HAPPY JULY 4TH!   HOORAY FOR JULY GOALS! In this minisode, I decided to take advantage of this Holiday Vacation and give you a brand new episode talking about my July Goals. I’ve been thinking sincerely, praying earnestly as the direction we will be going and it’s such a blessing to know that God’s […]


Hello Love! Today… I seriously need your help! I’ve been committed to putting up this podcast and let me tell you it has not been a walk in the park! I’ve been recording episodes on the sly, you know on the back end and also scheduling interviews! It has been both exhilarating and challenging all […]


Hello Love! How are you darling? Today I want to talk to you about an amazing New Website Launch for an amazing writer, author and aspiring motivational speaker. If you’ve been checking up on social media then you know that Lucy and I have been working for a while now! I love posting behind the […]


Hello Love, Before Andres graced us with his presence. I was invited to speak locally at a meeting at Fuquay Aglow. I was around 36 weeks preggers! This was my 2nd time being invited to speak for an event and it doesn’t get easier but, I did get wiser. So today I’d like to share […]


Hello Loves! How are you darling? Today I want to talk to you about an amazing New Website Launch for Shannon Sharpe from Conversionz Makeup Studio. If you find her name familiar it is because I’ve also worked with Shannon on a few collaborations and I’ve had the wonderful honor in interviewing her for my Interview […]


In the beginning of my journey I learned so many valuable and important lessons that really would of saved me a whole lot of heartache if I knew the following head on. You need to…


Hello Love! I’m a creative. In the beginning of my creative endeavors, I was in the search of who I was, creatively. Not who I was as a creative, but in search of who I was – through creativity.

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