The Art of Being Fierce | Shannon Sharp Studios

Hello Loves!

How are you darling?

Today I want to talk to you about an amazing New Website Launch for Shannon Sharpe from Conversionz Makeup Studio.

If you find her name familiar it is because I’ve also worked with Shannon on a few collaborations and I’ve had the wonderful honor in interviewing her for my Interview Series “Be The Woman”, which also sparked my creativity for creating my upcoming podcast, more on that later.

Check out: Shannon Sharpe’s Interview Here!

Check out Shannon’s New Website: HERE

Keep in touch Love, because I’m going to be needing your help in picking out the details for my upcoming 5 star (Lord willing) Podcast. 


You know, I remember when I first started my endeavors of creating my own business. A few years back, I sat down with an established female business owner, who was also one of my clients at the time, and I asked her to lunch.


We ended up in this quaint little yet deliciously amazing New York pizza Restaurant in Downtown Fuquay, Nc. Have you been? Let me save you some time, everything is delicious so, just go for the buffet.


In this event and time in my life, I remember asking her how she started. It was back when I had no kids and Franklin and I were still newly weds. I asked her, earnestly how she got involved within her industry and the business she currently has.


She, with an air of confidence and humble superiority, smiled looked right into my eyes and began telling me how she started right there, on her dining room table. She went on about how she drafted plans and how she ended up growing and managing in an industry that is mostly made up of men. How at first it wasn’t her idea, yet later on gained the full business of what she was a partner of.


She also offered me a nugget of wisdom, a piece of advice. One, that I still don’t know what to think of…

She said,

Don’t act like a one woman show.”  I guess she was emphasizing the fake it till you make it, part of business. I of course, with my naive feeling totally un-chic self responded quite haste-fully, “But I am a one woman show!

Ahhh the thoughts and blurts of a budding entrepreneur. You know they say hind sight is 20/20. ♥


The custom handbag I created for Said business owner.  ♥

This moment has always stuck with me especially since I currently do all my work, well…

…by myself. (P.S. That’s actually changing soon! So fragrant-fully exciting yet scary all at the same time!)

It’s not something I’m proud of and neither is it something I try to hide. I remember when I first had the inclination to start my own business, I didn’t know whether to use first, second or third person in my posts.

Fun Fact: I have hired interns in the past.

The point to my story? Well Love, it’s like this…as much as I’d like to grow and be thought of as a serious business,

I’m still growing and that’s ok.

It’s ok for people, clients and potential clients to know this. Because it’s real. It’s me and it’s a journey.

I’ve always tried to be as candid as possible, my goal? Has always been to help others. To show others that it is possible to create a business based on YOUr right to utilize your GOD given talents, your passions and strengths.

Can I get an Amen!?

On that note, I remember, when I got my AHA! Moment. The moment I knew that right now, right here is where I’m meant to be. With all the ups and downs twists and turns I have taken to get, well…


So…I did this crazy thing. I stepped out and did something bold. I contacted an amazing business owner that still was doing her passion part time and I invited her to sit at my dinning room table.

Sitting down at my dinning table with Shannon Sharp Studios

I invited Shannon over to my home sat her down. I told her what I had to offer, not only for her but for the success of her business. I emphasized that she could take her craft full time, and guess what. I didn’t even know that this was something she was deeply considering.

(I also feed her, and I believe that may have sealed the deal. J/k but hey it’s always good to feed your potential clients ♥ hehe. Tricks of the trade my friend, not really but it’s worth a shot.)

Talk about a God moment. Not just for me, but for her as well. Often times what we encounter in our journey of self discovery is the opportunities of validating our direction.

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TWEETABLE: What we encounter in our journey of self discovery is the opportunities of validating our direction.


This my friends was just the beginning of something truly amazing…

I’d like to start, with her website and our adventure in creating a one of a kind site. Shannon has such beautiful work that my goal was to showcase to her past, present, long term short term and potential clients just how much of a 5 star makeup artist and beauty coach she really is.

The Art of Being Fierce:

1. Showcasing your work by being a Trendsetter.

I was thrilled when out of the three options I had given Shannon she choose the one with the Video playing as the home page. Because I was familiar with Shannon’s work I knew that she not only had the talent to develop an amazing web presence but she also had the content.


I had Shannon email all of her videos featuring her work and taking into consideration her wants I cropped this amazing piece of video footage.


2. Be Amazing

I know this is one tip that is not expected. Being Amazing!? Who does that?

People like Shannon.

Her work speaks for it’s self.

Carolina_Magazine_Winter_Book_PublicationGeisha_Shoot_FBPin_Up_Shoot_FBShannon_Sharpe_MakeupShannon_Sharp_Conversionz_Makeup_Artist_Giesha_Shoot (12)

Her diversity, attitude and pure talent was such an honor to highlight.

3. When it comes to being Fierce the top 2 tips is what really counts. ♥

My goal for everyone of my clients will always be to showcase their craft in a successful fashion. To help take their passions and dreams to the next level, the goal is always for them to go full time or at least emphasis and bring to light what is already within them. That’s one of the reasons why I include coaching sessions to each package and client I work with.

It’s more than just a shiny website that brings about a successful business. In fact, a website is just meant to reflect the level you’re on not propel you. You don’t need a fancy website to become a success. What you need is to meet a need, to tell a story and to be true to what you offer.

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…than you know I’ve fully embarked on this venture. Something I honestly feel called and compelled to do and God has most definitely confirmed this mission of helping people like YOU accomplish their dreams! I never dreamed but always hoped that I’d get to where I’m at now, in fact it’s one of the reasons why I started my own endeavors.

So thankful I started!

How about you? Have you taken the leap of faith to just…START!? I encourage you with all my heart to go for it. You’ll discover that pursuing that heart felt calling of yours is a journey of self-awareness and discovery into becoming your ultimate self.

Here is Shannon’s website as it once was:


before website

Here it is After:


Check it out here!

We started with the basics.


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