Hello Love!
I seriously need your help! I’ve been committed to putting up this podcast and let me tell you it has not been a walk in the park!
I’ve been recording episodes on the sly, you know on the back end and also scheduling interviews! It has been both exhilarating and challenging all at the same time! This stage in my life is simply amazing!
God is so good Love! Believing for amazing things!
So I want to do a series of how I’m starting a podcast and hopefully you’ll enjoy the tips! I’m going to first start by giving YOU a few tips on how to start a Podcast, while well, you’re starting a podcast.
So…Pretty much keeping you up to date on my musings.
1. Be Committed
SO, I just officially started this whole Podcast thing, getting it off the ground and such. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time and finally putting in the effort to…GO FOR IT! So, really I’m just going to update you on my direction and what I’ve been learning.
Just in case you want to start your own!
One of the greatest assets to starting anything is being committed!
Sure, it’s taking a LOT longer than expected to actually make my Podcast a reality but I’ve invested in the journey. I honestly did, I even hired a VA to help me set it up.
What I’ve done so far:
I’ve been living on the notion: “Done is better than Perfect“
Sometimes we don’t ever get anything done because we’re waiting on Perfect. The perfect time, the perfect images, the perfect content. Love, one thing I’ve learned in my journey is to do the VERY BEST you can with what you have, until you know better and when you know better do better.
Sometimes better doesn’t come by sitting on your derriere, (fancy word for butt), sometimes it comes from getting up off it and doing something!
I just started. YUP. With Call recorder.
My next move: Invest in a MIC! I’m currently looking at getting the: Audio Technica ATR2100 (Link Below)
Yes, the below link is an affiliate link which means I may get a commission if you use this link to purchase your own. Thanks for supporting ♥
Audio-Technica Cardioid Dynamic USB/XLR Microphone (ATR2100-USB) with Pop Shield Universal Pop Filter Microphone Wind Screen with Mic Stand Clip & Monoprice XLR Male to XLR Female 16AWG Cable 6′
2. Go to Pat Flynn’s Website, on the real!
This guy is a GENIUS! Seriously he’s mad cool and he knows his stuff. You can go to his website here: http://www.smartpassiveincome.com/how-to-start-a-podcast-podcasting-tutorial/
Pat pretty much tells you step by step on how to set up a Podcast AND he even has a playlist on videos.
3. Do your due diligence
Do your research! Sure it’s awesome to have a resource and reference, but also see what other stuff is out there.
There’s Pod-o-matic
You can easily stream and upload your own podcast here, or at least that’s what it says. My goal though is to get up on itunes, so I will let you know in the weeks to come what route I will take!
Then there’s Cast
This beauty uploads on all channels, downside? The editing tools can use some updating! But I’m going to play around with it and see what happens. I know that I’m going to need an extra editing tool I’ve downloaded Audacity and oh Lord I have yet to open the program and see how to use it. Please keep me in prayer.
Credit on gaining this info is from connecting with a fellow Boss Mom, by showing up on a Facebook Group, Over at: The Dahlia Scene
Shout out to Yvonne Girl, thanks for the link, I totally know how hard it is to research and I appreciate you.
Loves, have you read my post on 5 REASON’S WHY IT’S IMPORTANT TO NETWORK, it’s about the importance of networking in person, but same rings true on the online realm, fancy that!
(By the way, that’s called “Deep Linking” ya Digg, you know promoting a past post. Ok, Onward!)
Sound Cloud
You can stream your own videos and sounds. Now how to upload it on iTunes with it I have yet to figure out.
4. Follow Through
Get it done! It’s not just about talking or researching about it, it’s about being about it! LOL, even though I’m still in the process I hope you join me on this journey to getting it up. I’ll keep you all posted.
So without Further adieu I needs your help Love!
Help me choose the right image to represent the Podcast. With my background in starting my own business, marketing my products in a genuine and authentic way, I decided to have my Podcast be about Lifestyle, Entrepreneurship & Marketing.
I honestly want to help tell stories of other people’s lives and also give light to how others promote their own work. I hope I can inspire you to pursue those dreams that are in your heart and reach for your greatest potential.
That call on your life. Here are the images…

I know what I’m leaning towards but what do you think?

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