


What do you think of when you think of grief? Grief can take on many different forms: sadness, anger, despair, and isolation to name a few. In the United States, we do not honor grief for the powerful emotion it is. We are taught to push past it and move on to the next thing. […]


Hello Love, I am so excited to bring to you this unboxing, it’s one of my firsts of many I hope! Starting a Podcast is no faci (not easy) my friends. It’s a work in progress, but as I said in Week 1 – Starting a Podcast, it’s about starting even when we don’t feel […]


Hello Love! Today… I seriously need your help! I’ve been committed to putting up this podcast and let me tell you it has not been a walk in the park! I’ve been recording episodes on the sly, you know on the back end and also scheduling interviews! It has been both exhilarating and challenging all […]

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