BTW: Marissa Willams// Shabby Chic and Cheap

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]n avid Fashion activist, Marissa Williams who also models for local modeling Group Models for Charity has her roots planted in Fashion. She’s currently a freelance contributor for Carolina STYLE Mag and has worked behind the scenes in putting together varies photo-shoots. Which I think is so cool! She’s a blogger over at Shabby Chic and Cheap, she’s always going out of her way to help and motivate others.


Photo Credit: Melissa Hayes Photography

Name:Marissa W.
Depends on who you talk too! Princess to my mom, Sugar Bear to my husband, Marz to most of my friends, and of course, my favorite – mommy, to my son and daughter.

Marissa from Shabby Chic and Cheap (7)

Age: 29
Age at heart: 27 I feel like that was my perfect age [thus far]
Kids: 2


Current title/Company/Blog: Shabby, Chic, & Cheap
Year you launched your Blog: 2011


How was shooting the Photo’s for Carolina STYLE Mag and what did you take away from it?
It was such a fun experience and it really felt like a high fashion shoot taking place in NY or LA! Definitely an experience I will always remember!

You have 2 little ones a fulltime job, you’re an avid blogger, freelance writer, Kickboxer and you are currently in business school! How do you manage your time??
Are there any apps you use or would recommend?
WHEW! I honestly don’t even know how I manage all of that myself! Honestly it’s God and a supportive husband that lets me have the time I need to pursue my dreams. Teamwork really does make the dream work!


What was your first ‘I’m a Grown Up’ experience?
I think my first grown up experience was when I got my first apartment by myself with no roommates and I was totally financially responsible for everything. I was a young working woman and the independence felt great. I always strive to make my mom proud.

How does a normal day for you look like and how do you usually end it?
A normal day consist of work, kick boxing classes, family, homework, blog work, and bed usually sometime around 12 or 1am! Yikes! Do you see the Prada bags under my eyes 😉

Take us through your Blogging process—from revisions to posting:
I usually compose my posts in MS Office to try and catch my typos and I usually use PicMonkey to edit my pictures or make collages. Sometimes I’ll have my husband or best friend proofread for me.

Marissa from Shabby Chic and Cheap (5)

Fashion Trend Predictions for this season and Recommendations?
Scarves! A timeless classic!

What has been a highlight?
A highlight of blogging has been all the wonderful people that I have met. It’s really opened up a lot of doors and forged so many friendships with wonderful women. Truly a blessing.

What has been a lowlight?
Blogging opens you up and makes you vulnerable. You are open to criticism and negativity at times. It’s the one downside to putting yourself out there in the public.

What was the inspiration behind your blog design?
I love peacock feathers and the color teal and aqua. There is something soothing and comforting to me about my design.

Marissa from Shabby Chic and Cheap with friends

What do you want readers to get from your blog?
I want readers to feel like they get a sense of who I am from my blog, but I also want them to take away the tips and bargains that I share with them. We can all look fabulous without breaking the bank or budget!

Marissa from Shabby Chic and Cheap (3)

What lessons have you learned, through blogging, being a mom of two and in business school?
If nothing else I’ve learned to deal with many different personality types. I have a degree in Psychology already and I really draw on that when dealing with people. We all come from different upbringings and backgrounds and it really helps when faced with some of those differences.

What do you tell yourself that keeps you motivated?
My family is one of my BIGGEST motivators! Everything that I do is for them and to glorify God! He provided me with the talents so I can’t just let them go to waste. I want him to be proud just like I want my family to be proud.

Marissa from Shabby Chic and Cheap (1)

Favorite Lipstick color?
Hmmm…I’m starting to get into red more but I also love a soft pink.

Coffee or Tea?
TEA! I am a huge tea drinker! I love all kinds Chai, Herbal, Sweet tea! Yum!

Marissa from Shabby Chic and Cheap

Can you share your testimony?
I always grew up knowing there was a God, but my family didn’t always go to church on Sundays. When I met my husband he had a firm belief in God and the church. I credit him with bringing me to God. We were baptized together in 2012 and there was no greater feeling. I think being baptized together was more special to me than our wedding. It was a symbol of us starting our journey with Christ together. And as long as you keep Christ at the center of everything you do, you will never fail! Amen!

Marissa from Shabby Chic and Cheap (8)

Finish this sentence: Be the woman…be the woman that will never wonder ‘what if’ and that has nothing to hide. Always put your best foot forward, pray, and believe in yourself!

Marissa from Shabby Chic and Cheap on Be The Woman

Send Marissa some love and say HI or follow along!

Marissa’s Facebook: Shabby Chic and Cheap
Pinterest: ShabbyChicCheap
Twitter: @ShabbyChicCheap
IG: @ShabbyChicCheap

She’s Hosting a Giveaway Shimmy on over: Shabby Chic and Cheap!

Be The Woman Giveaway with Shabby Chic and Cheap

Be The Woman, #BTW – Is a new Feature Blogger Series here on the Blog! Which I’m so excited about . I love reading about amazing women and God truly placed in my heart to start this series! I hope you enjoy.




Linked with:

still being molly


  1. Marissa says:

    Linda, I can’t tell you how much it means that you asked me to be a part of this fantastic new series! I am really looking forward to reading and learning about the other women that participate. You’ve been such a blessing in my life and I can’t thank you enough for your constant support and wonderful friendship! xoxo

  2. Great blog, Linda! And what an awesome blog series!!! You have a new fan 🙂

  3. Jennifer says:

    Absolutely in love with your makeup!! Wish I looked half as beautiful as you on my best day!!

    Jenna from Visions of Vogue

  4. Great blog, Linda! And what an awesome blog series!!! You have a new fan 🙂

  5. Marissa says:

    Linda, I can’t tell you how much it means that you asked me to be a part of this fantastic new series! I am really looking forward to reading and learning about the other women that participate. You’ve been such a blessing in my life and I can’t thank you enough for your constant support and wonderful friendship! xoxo

  6. Jennifer says:

    Absolutely in love with your makeup!! Wish I looked half as beautiful as you on my best day!!

    Jenna from Visions of Vogue

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