Black & White Curtains

 Cabana Black Stripe Cotton Curtain PanelBeautiful, well made black and white horizontal striped curtain panel with lengths under 100 inches Colorblock border curtain panels Pair curtains Black and white panels of 50'' with grommets. Select the length Wide black and white striped curtain panel

Hello Love!

Although I’ve fallen a bit under the weather I can still say when it comes to design, I’m feeling amazing today!

I decided that today’s decor crush will solely be on black and white curtains!! I’m working on a Makeup studio and one of my goals is to tackle the drapes and bring in a sophistication that just oozes my clients personality and professionalism.

I’m leaning towards etsy because they have customization options.  That’s ideal for this particular project, we have high ceilings and I’d like to highlight them, draw the eye upwards through these curtains. (Or I may make them myself ^_^)


Having the drapes reach to the ceiling will also create the illusion that the windows are larger than they currently appear.

Black and white is always, will always be a classic. Let’s face it. If you’re looking for a certain sophistication, black and white, I have learned, does the trick! It can glam up any outfit and any interior, when used correctly.

I hope you enjoyed this burst of black and white energy, yum! Which style do you think will look best in this space?


In This Post

Featured Image | Cabana Black Stripe Cotton Curtain PanelColorblock border curtain panels | horizontal striped curtain panel with lengths under 100 inches | Wide black and white striped curtain panel |


P.S. Make sure to join my mailing list because once I’m done decorating this space we are throwing a Party! I’ll be there talking about the steps, inspiration and more. So sign up to know about local events I’ll be apart of in the Triangle area of North Carolina!


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