BTW: Molly Stillman// Still Being Molly & Link UP!

Finance Guru, Style enthusiast, you’re home-girl on the net, Molly Stillman is an amazing woman all around! Her blog has been a favorite of mine and her advice on finances is priceless, not to mention her style! I’ve heeded her advice plenty of times. She blog’s over @StillBeingMolly has a full time job and is preparing for major moves! She’s one to keep up with!


Name: Molly Stillman
a.k.a.: still being molly

Still being Molly looking sharp with blue glasses and umbrella

Age: 29
Age at heart: 22
Kids: 1


Current title/Company/Blog: still being molly

Year you launched your Blog: 2007



When did you decide to add Molly’s Money, a series on finance over at your blog?
I started the series in 2012 after I became debt free as a way to share my story and I hope that other’s can learn from my mistakes.


What has been people’s response?
My money posts are some of my most popular posts – mostly because I think personal finance is an issue not a lot of people talk about but a lot of people want to know more about!


You were a high school teacher, an improv comedian, and now a Finance Guru! What is something you’d say that makes everything come together? I am just myself. I try to stay true to myself in everything that I do. I’m goofy, I’m honest, I’m real… and I love to make people laugh, help people learn, and get people outside of their comfort zone.

Still being Molly Photography

Currently you’re a wife, a mom to a cutie pie baby girl, with a full time job, all while blogging! How do you find time for yourself and what is one thing you do that refreshes you?
It is REALLY hard. It’s a constant struggle! Honestly… my favorite “me time” thing that I do is I take baths! I loveeee a warm bubble bath with a good book.


How do you muster up the courage to be so candid with your readers?
Honestly, it’s pretty easy. There are certainly posts that I am “nervous” about publishing… but in general, being myself just comes naturally… and with that comes a sense of being candid and comfortable with sharing things with my readers.

Molly at stitch fix with blue pattern top

What was your first ‘I’m a Grown Up’ experience?
Oh man… I would say getting myself out of debt. I realized how much trouble I got myself into and that no one could bail me out except myself. It was a real tester for me!


Take us through your day. How does a normal day for you look like and how do you usually end it?
I am NOT a morning person, so I usually wake up when Lilly wakes up and I nurse her and take her downstairs for breakfast. We usually will have playtime after that, go to the gym, go for a walk, or meet a friend for a play date or lunch. After lunch I put her down for her nap and then I get to work and I hustle to get everything done that I need to get done in just a few hours. Anything from emails, to phone calls, blog post writing, proposal writing, etc. Then Lilly wakes up, we play, run errands, etc. then I get started on dinner. Daddy comes home from work, we eat, play, bath time, pray, read books, and then Lilly goes down to sleep. I work a lot after Lilly is in bed and then I try to unwind at the end of the day by reading, doing some bible study, or just chilling on the couch watching television.


Recently you went to a trip to San Francisco via Stitch Fix! How did that opportunity open up and How was it!?
It was amazing. Stitch Fix contacted me and wanted me to come out there to see how it all works and it was truly the opportunity of a lifetime! I fell more in love with the company!

Molly and the other lady bloggers that went to sanfran for stitch fix

What is one key piece you would share about finances?
Do a budget. If you don’t have a monthly, written, recorded budget… you are really doing yourself a disservice!


What do you want readers to get from your blog?
I want my readers to come to my blog and forget about their problems for five or ten minutes. I want them to laugh, to learn something, or to be inspired. Even if it’s something silly and materialistic like a new way to style a pair of shoes or something… I just want people to leave with a smile on their face.

Still being Molly with her daughter baby Lily

What lessons have you learned, through blogging, being a mom, work, while also pursuing your dreams and working on future amazing things that I can’t say but am so excited for you!?
Just to stay committed. Don’t give up. Keep going no matter what. If you are determined enough, you can do anything.


What do you tell yourself that keeps you motivated?
My family and the Lord keep me motivated… I look at them and they are the ones that I want to please and they are the ones that drive me to do better!!

Still being Molly Looking Fabulous

Favorite Lipstick color? Purple!!

Coffee or Tea? Diet Coke!

Finish this sentence: Be the woman… who brings joy to others every single day.
 Still being Molly with balloons
YaY! This is my first link-up and I hope you all enjoy! Spread the love and yes I will try to go through each one of your posts 🙂


The Rules for #BeTheWoman Link-Up:

Follow, me,  your host over at BlogLovin, You’ll love me I’m sure 🙂 @LindaMendible  or Facebook! 
Grab a button and / or post a link back here in your BLOG POST (NOT your blog’s main page) so your readers know all the fun and goodness you’re joining in on! (You can grab it from my side bar——>)
Visit the blog that linked directly before you and leave a comment and one that you’ve never been to before and leave a #BeTheWoman comment – you never know who you might “meet” Have fun! YOLO!

Comment Below and

Visit our #BeTheWoman Featured Fabulous Woman and leave some love on her blog let her know where you’re coming from 🙂 , it’s not mandatory but super fun!

Who know’s you may be featured!

Bonus: Today’s featured Amazing Woman also has a link up on Mondays…How cool is that!

Visit @StillbeingMolly

Side NOTE: If you do not give credit back, I will have to remove your link. Awww, That’s no fun!  So make sure to link back. Link your blog post up using the linky tool below! It can be ANYTHING! But would love it to be nuggets of wisdom, from your daily life to how-to’s, Fashion, Design and more!

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  1. Marissa says:

    This was such a great post to get to know her and what a typical day for her is like! Loving the #BTW series!

  2. Marissa says:

    This was such a great post to get to know her and what a typical day for her is like! Loving the #BTW series!

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