Fresh Take | New Direction

OOTD Macrame Kinda Day Knitted hat marame inspired scarf and leopard print purse Linda Mendible (2)

OOTD Macrame Kinda Day Knitted hat marame inspired scarf and leopard print purse Linda Mendible (1)

OOTD Macrame Kinda Day Knitted hat marame inspired scarf and leopard print purse Linda Mendible (3)

OOTD Macrame Kinda Day Knitted hat marame inspired scarf and leopard print purse Linda Mendible (4)

OOTD Macrame Kinda Day Knitted hat marame inspired scarf and leopard print purse Linda Mendible (5)

OOTD Macrame Kinda Day Knitted hat marame inspired scarf and leopard print purse Linda Mendible (6)

OOTD Macrame Kinda Day

Hello Love!

The great thing about North Carolina, the weather changes pretty quickly. One day you could be wearing a tee and some casual slacks and the next you’re bundled up, all in the same week.

I currently have a very limited wardrobe but that doesn’t stop me from mixing and matching. I believe in great accessories, they can really put a look together. I knitted this scarf, it’s one of my favorites, and incorporated t-shirts that I cut up and used a macrame technique, to really give it some drama. I find when ever I just want to amp up an outfit this scarf does the trick. The hat was also hand-knitted by me and I love the look of a bulky yet easy going textured hat.

Doing a fashion runway show really challenged me and brought back the genuine love I have for creating and designing. So I’ve decided that I’m going to do everything I love to do and appreciate each day I get to be creative and design. ♥ After all, the great opportunity we have in front of us, is to create the life we’d love to live.

How was your weekend?

In This Post

H&M Top [Similar] I tried my best to find this top, They even have a Conscious section! I’ve also worn it [Here], Black button up with studded collar [old] but here is another version [similar], Bottoms [old], Leopard print Business Clutch [Made by me], Knitted Hat [Made by me], Knitted macrame scarf [Made by me], Heels [old]


  1. Kathy Baugher says:

    You are very talented and I love your style Linda! I NEED that clutch!!

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