Gift Wrapping Small Gifts | DIY

 Hello Love!

Today I want to go over an amazing easy & simple DIY when gift wrapping small gifts! From Mugs to small books this gift wrapping method works great!

When we were finishing up one of Carmen’s Masterminds groups, Carmen wanted me to help her with some gift wrapping! She already had the idea in hand and the materials she wanted to use!

This is a very inexpensive and quick way to do some really great gift wrapping!

DIY - Tissue Paper Gift Wrap (9)
DIY - Tissue Paper Gift Wrap (10) DIY - Tissue Paper Gift Wrap (6)DIY - Tissue Paper Gift Wrap (5)

What You’ll Need

  • Tissue Paper
  • Scissors
  • Baker’s Twine (My favorite piece of string of all time!)
  • Your choice tags (we used what we had at the time which were these sticky lables but I’d suggest using these tags)
  • And some Sass

I KNOW! Sooo simple!

DIY - Tissue Paper Gift Wrap (8)

[dropcap style=" "]1.[/dropcap] Choosing your Materials

For each gift you need about 2-3 sheets of tissue paper to effectively gift wrap your gift. This makes it fun and you can play around with different colors and patterns. We used 2 sheets for each gift.

DIY - Tissue Paper Gift Wrap (3)

[dropcap style=" "]2.[/dropcap]Prepping your Gift

What you want to do is place your gift in the middle of your tissue paper and begin to bring everything to the top. For small books you’ll want to stand them up rather than laying them flat.

Using your Baker’s Twine…

DIY - Tissue Paper Gift Wrap (1)

DIY - Tissue Paper Gift Wrap (2)

[dropcap style=" "]3.[/dropcap] Wrapping your Gift!

Cut about a foot (12″) of Twine or as needed, (I find the more String I have the better result I get for a bow), to tie the top of your gift, then add your name tag, place it in a bag or leave as is!

This makes a great first impression on those small yet, thoughtful gifts!


P.S. –  By the way Carmen is leading another Mastermind group in Durham, NC! I can’t wait! It’s really spot on & the group of women attending are incredible! The fellowship, the ambiance! Just email me if you want more info and I’l rely it to Carmen, who is awesome by the way!


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