Keep it Crispy | Red Wolf Beaters

Linda Mendible ootd Red wolf stompers red heels keep it crispy t-shirt blazer and blue jeans (1) Linda Mendible ootd Red wolf stompers red heels keep it crispy t-shirt blazer and blue jeans (2) Linda Mendible ootd Red wolf stompers red heels keep it crispy t-shirt blazer and blue jeans (3) Linda Mendible ootd Red wolf stompers red heels keep it crispy t-shirt blazer and blue jeans (4) Linda Mendible ootd Red wolf stompers red heels keep it crispy t-shirt blazer and blue jeans (5) Linda Mendible ootd Red wolf stompers red heels keep it crispy t-shirt blazer and blue jeans (6) Linda Mendible ootd Red wolf stompers red heels keep it crispy t-shirt blazer and blue jeans (7)


Hello Love!

What is going on! How was your Valentines weekend!? The hubbs and I enjoyed some wings and some fresh infused water! Which I can’t wait to share my favorite recipes later on this week for tasty water! I know! Super exciting.

I really got inspired by this look when I won this “Keep it Crispy” Tank from Madly Mignon blog’s! I thought it was only right to share some love back and have it as my ootd!

I LOOOVE unique one of a kind, you can not get anywhere else type of heels and these Kill it! Seriously, they’re called Wolf Beaters. I also have another pair called Zombie Stompers! Even though they are all gruesome with teeth and blood and well they’re just super cool with a bow on the back! Yes, you have to have a ladies touch when you have some gruesome heels on.

Sometimes all it takes is a comfy tee with some heels and a blazer to boot! I always love to have fun!

Through the years, I’ve learned that Confidence is truly one of the best attributes a woman or anyone for that matter to have. So what ever you decide to wear, make sure you wear it with confidence!

In This Post

Blazer [given to me by my lovely baby sister] | Keep it Crispy [Won it on a blog giveaway, just spreading the love] | Heels [Hot Topic baby! but found a similar version here] | Ipad Case Red


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