How to Take the Leap to Full-Time In Your Business


Meet Tami Jaffe

In today’s episode, Linda speaks with Tami Jaffe. 

Tami Jaffe is a success coach, energy shifter, author, and speaker who inspires successful professionals who are dreaming to do something new and make better decisions.

Her Amazon #1 best-selling book You Already Made the Decision, You Just Aren’t Happy With It, is a guide on how to make better decisions or live with the ones you’ve already made.

Tami has made it her mission to liberate independent success-minded professionals from the shackles of a corporate career so they can start and grow their business and not only replace their income but exceed it.

Where to find Tami Jaffe:


Facebook Group:


Tami would love to offer the Monetizing Mompreneurs her FREE Corporate to Cash Jumpstart Kit

Don’t forget to join the Monetizing Mompreneurs FB Group to keep the conversation going!

Tami Jaffe is a success coach, energy shifter, author, and speaker who inspires successful professionals who are dreaming to do something new and make better decisions.

Her Amazon #1 best-selling book You Already Made the Decision, You Just Aren’t Happy With It, is a guide on how to make better decisions or live with the ones you’ve already made.

Tami has made it her mission to liberate independent success-minded professionals from the shackles of a corporate career so they can start and grow their business and not only replace their income but exceed it.

Do you have a nickname?


How old are you?


How old are you at heart?


What is your title and company?

Breakout Growth Expert – Tami Jaffe Coaching

What year did you launch your business?


What has been a highlight during the time you’ve run your business?

Writing my book and being able to see my clients take their own leaps in life to start their successful businesses.

What has been a lowlight and how did you bounce back?

Wondering where the next client was going to come from and wondered if I was going to have to go back to work. I finally figured out that I wasn’t doing the right things for where I was at in my business and started taking the right actions.

What do you tell yourself that keeps you motivated?

Be inspired by what you do and inspire others to do the same.

What would you say is one thing you do that refreshes you?

Time with my family and traveling.

What do you want readers to gain from following you on social media?

Tips on how to start your business and inspiration to know that it is possible for them.

What lessons have you learned through running your business and pursuing your dreams?

There is more to life than a job working for someone else. It’s up to you do decide what you want to make of your life.

What is your favorite lipstick color?


Do you prefer coffee or tea?


Finish this sentence: “Be the woman….”

who inspires her children to be whatever they want to be.

Tami would love to offer you her FREE Corporate to Cash Jumpstart Kit. To connect further with Tami, visit


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