4 Easy DIYs For those Back Yard Parties!

Heeeeey Love!

Last year, I had the pleasure of lightly decorating a daughter’s first birthday! Here’s a few tips and DIYs to help inspire you for some outdoor fun and decorating!

What better way then to set the party in motion and get ready with these swoon worthy DIYs.

These lovely photos are from the event. May they give you assurance and inspiration on how just a few strategic accents can heighten the experience of your back yard party!

Here’s how you can take those backyard outings up a notch through these 4 fun DIYs!


1. Garlands

This is an easy DIY you can do at your sewing machine and if you don’t have a sewing machine, don’t worry about it some string and glue works just fine! Here’s how to make these fun and decorative circle garlands!


  • Scissor
  • Your choice on color craft paper (Can be found at any craft store)
  • Your choice string
  • Clothing hangers for hanging
  • Sewing Machine or glue gun
  1. Step 1 –  Trace out a circle on your craft paper and start stenciling them out. I like to pile them one on top of another and cut as much as my scissor can handle in one swoop
  2. If you are using glue make sure to double the amount of circles you have cut out in order to glue them together on your string as to not show the string or glue. If you are using a sewing machine just sew away down the middle making sure to add the next circle to be sewn after the last. You can leave as much space as you want in between the circles and it doesn’t have to be perfect, it will look amazing just the same!
  3. If you are using a glue gun make sure to cut the length you want your garland to be. It can be as short or as long as you would like, the longer the more dramatic.
  4. Pick a spot you would like to hang them, hang away using your clothing hangers. You can hang them traditional garland style across or go ahead and loop them diagonally.  You can also add extra adornments for punch and pizzazz if you’d like! In the picture above I added an extra garland of flowers I bought from a local handmade shop called Gather along with some pearls.

Dani and Elle First Birthday

2. Photo-Booth

Set up an area just for your guest to take a photo. The area you’ve adorn with your beautiful garland can work just as well! This is great fun to style, and your guests would love you for it. It truly gives a space to capture those fond memories of your back yard kickoffs.


Photo by: Molly of StillbeingMolly.com

3. Table of h’orderves


Photo by: Molly of StillbeingMolly.com

 Setting up a perfectly balanced table of goodies is easier then meets the eye. A great way to dress up that table is through tissue flowers! I have a great DIY on how to make these gorgeous tissue flowers that you can use as cake decorations, table topers and more! Be as creative as you want to be, you can catch the easy DIY over at my blog HERE.


Photo taken by: Molly of StillbeingMolly.com


Photo taken by: Molly of StillbeingMolly.com

4. Hanging Decor

These are fun and easy! All you need is a pack of tissue paper, some string, scissors and wala you have yourself some fun decorative hanging pieces.

Here’s how to make them:

  1. Layout your pack of tissues and fold them 1.5 inches accordion style
  2. Tie a piece of ribbon or string in the middle
  3. Cut the tops in either a rounded end or point, depending on the effect you would like to have. Rounding out the ends allows for a softer look.
  4. Begin separating each tissue piece from the rest towards the middle where your string is, one by one to fluff them up.
  5.  And that’s it! In no time you will have a Pom Pom ready to hang!

Kieth and Dani King

Kieth and Dani Swords King are both amazing Believers in Christ. Together they run King Promotions, Inc. & the Atlantic Bike Stunt Alliance. King Promotions operates the King BMX Stunt Show & American BMX Stunt Team, entertainment acts that perform all across the country at venues such as NBA & NFL. ABSA is an event company that operated the Trans Jam BMX Contest Series and the 4th Annual BMX Fest. Recently Keith and their company was on the History Channel’s American Restoration! Love seeing God work through amazing Believers!

Happy Decorating and don’t forget to add the Fun!



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