A Musical Surrender | Perseverance

Now for this very reason also, applying all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence, and in your moral excellence, knowledge, and in your knowledge, self-control, and in your self-control, perseverance, and in your perseverance, godliness, and in your godliness, brotherly kindness, and in your brotherly kindness, love.  2 Peter 1:5-7

Hello Love,

How are you in this most amazing day!?

I’ve been pondering a certain question. It’s a question that I believe many of us have from time to time.

The question that I am, have been, asking myself during the continued construction of a most recent project is…

Do I have something to say?

More Importantly, does God still have something to say through me?

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I was watching a movie one day, with a chef who lost everything over a review while working at a stagnant job that paid well… A stagnant job not because it wasn’t his “dream job” but he had outgrown it and became comfortable.

And in the depths of his life in pieces, as he was transitioning towards a last resort option, he asked himself, before accepting the task at hand…

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Do I still have something to say?

Lately, I’ve been having this same conversation within myself.

A conversation, I believe we all have, where we are questioning our path, our decisions and our futures.

This question has stuck in my mind as I was watching this man pursue a dream, that he himself didn’t fully believe in, due to his own insecurities and doubt. He was comfortable. He was comfortable right where he was at a place that provided well, but left him with zero ability to grow or move around in his craft freely.

He still had POTENTIAL. Potential to do something great. After all he was in the position he was in, due to his skillz as an artist, as a chef. 😛

We all come to this point, this point of reassessing our priorities and asking ourselves valued infused questions.

He didn’t think of his talent or cooking as just what others may perceive it. Just food you can eat.

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He saw it as an art.

As his art, to give.

He was an artist.

It was remarkable to see that when he was at his lowest, he didn’t give in to the depression, anxiety or the negativity that buzzed around him, he was blessed enough to be surrounded by those who loved him. Encouraged by the potential they saw in him and once he govern from a place of truth from within himself…

He began to make an impact that he never could of, if he didn’t get that 1 negative review that spun his “career” down a hole that looked impossible to get up from.

Often times we go through trials or a “rough patch” not understanding why, not understanding why would God allow this to happen. Why would God allow this to happen to ME?

Perhaps, God maybe preparing you for exactly where you’re meant to be, doing exactly what you’re meant to do. Perhaps he’s knocked your equilibrium,  knocked you off of your comfort zone because He sees YOUR potential.

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I’ve spent much time thinking the same thing, while working on this project. A few disappointments here, rising up from feeling like a failure, pushing through when coming towards those tough, throw in the towel moments. And the list of negativity can tunnel down a vision of despair that I believe we all get caught up in from time to time.

Sometimes all it takes is for us to…STOP OUR NEGATIVE THINKING!

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I saw, in my own time of transition, how I was suaded by my own negative thoughts.

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The best thing about starting from right where you are, is that by now you should have learned the lesson…

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.” Matthew 6:19-20

Maybe where you’re at right now isn’t comfortable, but maybe, just maybe God is showing you exactly what you’re meant to see…

Because it’s not really about the craft…it’s not proving to others or keeping up with the Jones’s, but it’s about becoming who He’s ordain and created for you to become.

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Have you lost touch on why you do what you do, or the passion behind who you are and what you stand for?

I’m an artist. I’ve always wanted to be an artist and I’ve dreamt of just being an artist.


The thing is Love, there is something that sets each and everyone of us ablaze. Find it. Ask God to reveal that IT Factor to you. You are meant to be a light and to bless those around you with the incredible YOU that you are.

It doesn’t even have to be fancy. It could be just being a mom to your children. A light at your job or a friend to that person. You know the person. It’s about being all who YOU are meant to be and thriving in the knowledge that Jesus cleansed you and GOD ordained YOU, to make a difference. It can be as small as a smile that can create that butterfly effect for goodness, for Love.

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Do I still have something to say?

These words echoed through me throughout the whole time while creating this project. As though each step, each stitch was in fact telling me a story, something bigger than myself. A struggle, a struggle that comes in and out of our lives like the backdrop of a movie’s soundtrack.

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I don’t believe in dead ends.

I don’t believe that certain things define us, other than Christ.

I don’t believe in limitations that we can most certainly obliterate by the power of the one who saved us.

I don’t believe in mistakes, defining us.

I believe… I, you, we, still have something to say.

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See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19

I believe Jesus died for us, washed us clean so we can begin fresh with a new life and a new direction towards life. Not just yestrday, or that time you made that huge mistake, but I believe His grace becomes new each day, each second each moment!

It’s just like someone put it to me one day….All of your sins, were in the future! He’s forgiven you of EVERYTHING! Not when you first believed not when you’re squeaky clean but He knew us enough to know….

That it’s a relationship with GOD that we long for most and what we’ve gained with Jesus.

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Do you still have something to say?

From the very core of my being, from the rooftops to the snowy mounts, those of which men have died to climb!


So… As you sit there, silently judging.

Do you still have something to say?

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Do you even know what your heart beats for or for whom?

Do you still have something to say?

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P.S. – This project was done for an amazing mom and I was sooo honored to just be able to embark in such a journey, to be challenged ALL THE WAY THROUGH. Perseverance was what I was first given, I didn’t think it would cost so much just to push through. I praise God that I’m at the other side with a fresh perspective and a humility that can only come from His humbling hands.

Today, if you’ve lost a passion, or you’re struggling to get back into the swing of things, finish up those projects or just push forward. I want to encourage you, that in Colossians 3:23 it says, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord. Sometimes I believe we have to live in such a way that is an example for Love.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23


  1. […] to you today about this project and my insight within the construction and making of it. Check out Perseverance I & Perseverance […]

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