Behind the Scenes of the Monetizing Mompreneurs Summit


Join us on June 7th-9th for the Monetizing Mompreneurs Summit: Self-Care Edition! Get your free ticket here:

Cassie Rajewich joins us today to chat all about this upcoming summit, and what you can learn by attending! Cassie is a part of my team, and her help with launching Monetizing Mompreneurs Summits has been vital.

In this episode, Cassie shares how we met, how she manages her business without sacrificing family time, and shares the key steps that Mompreneurs will learn by attending the upcoming summit.

Listen now to learn how to escape the overwhelm that comes with being a Mompreneur, and how implementing self-care techniques within your business is easier than you think!

About Cassie:

Cassie Rajewich is a writer and speaker. She encourages Christian women leaders to stop doubting the adventure so they can live out their bravest story.

She’s been in the online space since 2015 and along the way she’s picked up a few side hustles, Certified Money Gal and online Launch Strategist.

She currently resides in The Central Valley of California with her husband where they are raising their four girls and leaning into their own brave story. When she’s not chasing her three wild and free girls she can be found in the kitchen conjuring up sweet yummy goodness or dreaming up her next adventure and helping others navigate theirs.

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