Carmen’s Mastermind Group | 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth

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As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17

Hello Love,

Wow, the last couple of months have been eye opening!

It all started back when I was feeling burnt out, passionless and just overall stressed. I wouldn’t have imagined that my creative endeavors would take a turn for the worst which was, losing my passion.

I know bummer. Talk about a hard hit or you know that rock between a hard place, or something like that.

If you’re a creative, (a person who has a creative outlet, blogger, business owner, artist, etc.), then you know losing your passion on your DREAM can be one of the cruelest hands life can deal you. Or so it felt like it, for me.

I can remember it vividly, sitting in my back porch sunshining, sunrays through these beautiful leaves of this huge tree that always reminds me of paradise during the summer seasons. Yea, it was an amazing day but I felt like boo boo. You know the feeling.

It was there where I really saw that the way we feel on the inside will truly affect how you take in the out.


It was there where I just couldn’t see. I thought, God…you said that you wouldn’t let me fall? Is this it?

Guys…I mean, it was bad because I just didn’t have any motivation to continue pursuing my dream of having a creative outlet that can also be a huge blessing to not only my family but others. You know? I lost the passion to sew, and I felt like dare I say it! A failure.

Ohhhh but God. Yes, But God my friends! Because He’s just to awesome not to talk about.

In my midst of despair. I began to pray to God.

Check us out! This was Carmen and I with a few of our friends over at #InCITE15. It was awesome.

Check us out! This was just this past weekend where we photobombed the photobooth over at #InCITE15. It was awesome.

Love, right where I was – completely broken. I was planing on just giving up completely, I mean no blog, no endeavors no design just…

But then, I had an AMAZING friend speak life into me. Yes, that friends name was Carmen. (Sorry to put you on the spot girl, but Thank you so much for being obedient.)

Do you know Love, that’s one of the reasons why I believe Jesus says not to worry? He truly has everything laid out for our best interest. Praise God, I’m sooo happy to just be at the other side. The right things certainly come at the right time.

I was at a moment in my life that I was lost, I didn’t see any meaning behind what I was doing and I wasn’t believing in myself. How many of us get caught up in that?

God totally changed my perspective. He showed me that it wasn’t all about me.

I appreciated Carmen’s words so earnestly. Not only did she give me a clear perspective, one different from the one I believed. She gave me a way to prioritize my needs and wants in such a way that I have this overwhelming peace. I’m so thankful.


Sometimes Love, we can get so caught up in what we want that we can lose sight in what we need. I learned that my needs and my wants go hand in hand. That’s the great thing about God granting and giving us a heart of flesh.

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. -Ezekiel 36:26

Stepping out in faith may seem like something that isn’t within your reach, and that might be so, but have I mentioned that God is the God of the impossible?

There’s nothing like real hands on experience to really understand a few of life’s lessons and also what I believe is invaluable such as John Maxwell’s book the 15 invaluable laws of growth. If you are currently wanting to change your life…GET THIS BOOK! Or join Carmen’s Mastermind group! That’s a game changer right there.

Carmen's Mastermind group book

I love this quote:

I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.

– Maya Angelou

It’s exactly what happened to me. I now know better. But if it wasn’t for actually stretching myself, regardless of the risk of “failure” then would I even be here, knowing better?

You know?

God answers prayers my friends. Not only that but His word is my safe place. I hope it can be yours too.

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. Philippians 1:6

I love that when we are being led by the spirit, when we BELIEVE (I love you Carmen) then the Impossible, becomes Possible.

I’ve never had, in all of my days, such CLARITY that I can only PRAISE HIM! Mind you Love, I may still struggle, I may still have bad days, but oh how everyday is and can be my AMAZING day.

Honestly though, lately…Everyday is pretty much an amazing day! My struggles are not struggles they’re opportunities.

My “bad days” are no longer bad but GRATEFUL, grateful that I get to live another day.

My perspective has completely shifted and my faith stronger.

It’s this ultimate, for lack of a better word, sacrifice of all negativity and trusting in God’s perfect plan over my life.

It’s like, I’m truly expecting God’s goodness and really believing HIS promises and the best part…The best is Jesus and giving my life into HIS outstretched hands and saying, here…what ever happens, what ever I go through, what ever struggle or what have you…I trust you. Completely and not only do I trust you…but I WILL believe the BEST is YET TO COME, I will BELIEVE that you LOVE me and want the best for me.

Love, there is nothing sweeter than the Call God has on our lives and the capacity, the grace He gives us to pursue and do it.

Recently I heard on the radio that Science has proven what the Key to Happiness is….Guess what they said?


Faith is the Key to Happiness. 

 I can’t believe how God didn’t let me fall, how, in the middle of giving up He spoke life. Although it was hard, tough, and sometimes painful… I now have a passion that no one, no circumstance but God can take away.

I am so very thankful and I can’t wait to actually DO!


A woman stretching, searching and calling out to God.

Be blessed today my Friends.

Carmen's Mastermind Group (3)

Any pivotal moments in your life or books that have transformed your thinking? Please share your thoughts below!



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