Meet Christina

Hello, Love!

Next week, you’ll hear a great interview with Christina about getting started, staying true to God’s call on your life and just so much goodness!

Today, I wanted to drop a minisode about what God has been laying on my heart to share.

Christina Acosta-Martinez is a wife and mama first. She is married to Miguel Acosta-Martinez, and they serve on the founding team of Epiphany Fellowship Church in Camden, NJ. After the birth of her oldest daughter, she realized the beauty and depth of the role of a mother. She is passionate about seeing women grow during their journey through motherhood and confident that the Lord uses this role to continue to make His daughters gorgeous!

Christina with her husband and two daughters

A graduate of The University of Pennsylvania, Christina holds a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Applied Developmental Psychology. She knows first-hand the importance of mothers in a child’s development. She considers it a privilege to serve women from various backgrounds, and help them to reach their potential in Jesus. She recognizes that “we are God’s masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus to do the good works that he prepared for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2:10)

Christina speaking at a Growing Up Gorgeous Event

She founded Growing up Gorgeous, LLC to provide a diverse community of mom’s with a one-of-a-kind support system. Currently located in South Jersey, this group of women spend time laughing, crying, learning, and sharing their dreams. These unique experiences are known for providing high-quality child care, beneficial workshops, and self-care experiences. Most importantly, the women are “growing up” together to look more like Jesus Christ.

Christina with the members of Growing Up Gorgeous

Christina and Miguel have been married for five years. She cherishes her time at home with her baby girls – Summer Rose and Naomi Lynn.

Get to Know Christina

Do you have a nickname?

How old are you?

How old are you at heart?

What is your title and company?
Owner, Growing Up Gorgeous

What year did you launch your business?

What has been a highlight during the time you’ve run your business?
The amount of support I have received from friends, family, other entrepreneurs and the South Jersey community.

What has been a lowlight and how did you bounce back?
It has been difficult to help moms prioritize themselves and put their self-care first, we are busy and often think of our other family members priorities first. I like to remind moms that you cannot pour from an empty cup and to take care of themselves.

What do you tell yourself that keeps you motivated?
I am not alone, there are tons of other mompreneurs working hard that I lean on for motivation. I also look at my girls (2years and 8 months) and want to be successful for them.

What would you say is one thing you do that refreshes you?
Pray, journal, sleep. Repeat.

What do you want readers to gain from following you on social media?
Inspiration to pursue their dreams, ideas for balancing their busy lives, motivation to take care of themselves.

What lessons have you learned through running your business and pursuing your dreams?
This is a difficult thing to do, connect frequently to your “why” that caused you to start this business in the first place.

What is your favorite lipstick color?

Do you prefer coffee or tea?

Finish this sentence: “Be the woman….”
That God created you to be.

Learn more about Christina and Growing Up Gorgeous by visiting her website

and following her on Facebook and Instagram!


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