Fall Inspired Eco Fashion | Working with Amazing People

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Hello Love!

It’s so amazing when you come together and collaborate with amazing and talented people. I am so blessed to be working along side truly talented individuals. Loves, I have to brag about Doug over at digitaldabbles.com, his work is Amazing! He has incredible technique, is tremendously talented, goes through the process with you and he is so down to earth! I’m beyond honored and excited to be collaborating on future projects with him, that are in the works my friends, so stay tuned.

For some reason, I’m just one of those people that likes to push the boundaries, expand and challenge myself. I always find that amazing and extravagant things happen when I do, and it opens doors that you just couldn’t open if you stayed with-in your comfort zones.

I’m not one to shrink back when I face opposition, new challenges or out right fail. It’s apart of learning and it’s apart of developing yourself.

We all fall at times, why should we judge our own selves when these times of “failure” come. I like what Thomas Edison says when he was inventing the light-bulb.

I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.
-Thomas Edison

These photos are a result of amazing people using their time and talent to create something spectacular while helping me in the process. I just couldn’t believe how blessed I was to work with them.

For me, I hope to not ever loose the wonder of others pulling together to collaborate on a vision and make it come to life, or working with talented individuals who believe in you just as much as you believe in them and their talent, it means more than words can ever say.

This shoot in particular was because I was encouraged by one of the models (Marissa *Shout out*) to apply to a prestigious fashion show. I’m an eco fashion designer and what that means is that I work with certain types of fabrics, and certain types of limitations at times. These fabrics that you see are a combination of upholstery fabric, remnants and the like!

Although, I was not one of the chosen designers to strut their stuff down their runway, it really was an amazing experience and taught me so much about my shortcomings and strengths.

My whole reason to write to you today is to say, no matter what dream you have, where you are starting or what calling you know in your heart you have, we all start somewhere, we all fall and if you are determined, you my friend can move past your shortcomings into your blessings.

That’s when the No’s, the “you’re not good enough” become all worth it.

So stay passionate, Stay “hungry” and give it 100% all the time. It always pays off.

Do you have an experience you’d like to share where the “No’s” & “you’re not good enough” became all worth it?



Andrea Wun
Marissa Williams (Who is also in: BTW SHABBY CHIC AND CHEAP)


Doug Pietrowski

Hair & MUA:

Lisa Parkinson

Designer/Stylist/Handmade by: 

Linda Mendible (Me!) ♥


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