Falling into Fall & Fashion…

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Hello Loves,

It’s been a while. I’ve been working hard behind the scenes.

I know what you’re wondering, why did I take a break from the blog? Well…Simply put, I’m a mom. I was sleep deprived since my lil guy was waking up every 2 hours at night and although he was taking 2 naps during the day, I was being overwhelmed with so much I found on my plate. I knew it was time for me to take a break, step back and asses where is the Brand Linda Mendible going and what does God want me to do?

Today my Emanuel turns 1! We’re celebrating his birthday this weekend. Wow has time flied by!

Just a recap of what I’ve been doing and what I’ve been up to…

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I felt it in my spirit that God had been calling me to change directions towards Interior Design, which I truly know I have a passion and desire to dive into, but now I’m seeing it’s far bigger than what I thought. This year as I was working towards Interior Design, I still felt like there was something missing.

Now I know, I truly enjoy Design in general! I don’t know about you, but I thought it was fairly impressive how God allowed me to do this whole office under $500. Seriously, what can you buy with $500 when it involves putting a room together that you’ll actually appreciate and enjoy? You can check out the Post about that Here: The Crescent Law Firm

Kieth and Dani King

I was also able to lightly decorate a first birthday for a great friend. It really pushed my creativity and opened the Doors for me to create a new collection.  (Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about the recap of this wonderful first birthday :))

I was also blessed to write a, How-to article for Sonoma Christian Home, about it Check it out here: 4 Easy DIYs for those Back Yard Parties

2014 Shannon group shoot by StanChambersJr Photography 11

The Creative spark ignited and I was able to create an amazing Eco pillow Collection called PrimaVera, which I had asked on instagram to help name one of the pillows and I loved the name PrimaVera that was mentioned by my sister,and I liked it so much  I decided to call the whole collection PrimaVera! It is still available at the shop, mind you. You should totally check it out….eh hem. I’m just saying, you might find something you like!

This collection truly made me see that I’m a maker I love creating and I truly am passionate about it and fabrics.

(Don’t worry I will also go into more details on the recap of how this picture even came into reality! coming soon so make sure to follow me on Facebook, instagram, twitter or join my newsletter! Be on the look out. :))

Being a Servant of Christ, Wife, Mom, on top of pursuing my dreams and taking online courses towards Interior Design, it’s no faci! I’m so thankful that I always hold on to God’s word. Going on this journey I’m learning how to be directed by God because I cannot do this without God without Jesus, who is my hero and savior.

Lately, with everything that has happened and is happening I’m learning new lessons, that if it wasn’t taking risk and walking by faith I wouldn’t be where I’m at today. Which is so cool. God..you are AWESOME!

lindamendible at the nc blogger meeting speak with her baby

Praise Break!!! Hallelujah! Praise God, Thank you Jesus! Opportunities are opening up and a recent past event, was when I was asked to speak at the NC BLOGGERS Meetup! How Good is God, I’m mean really!

You can check out the post here:  about that Here: Style and NC Blogger meetup

(Don’t worry I also hope to address what was in those lovely boxes in the future where I will also be adding the lessons I learned, which are helping me today.)

The time that I’ve been a way from the blog I’ve been truly thinking about what I should write. Who am I, as a person and as a Designer/Artist.

I don’t want to write for the sake of writing. I want to write meaningful things. I want, at the end of each post that you read that there’s a hidden gem just for you and also I want to provide content that inspires me that I hope also inspires you. Whether it’s a word, inspiration or just a smile. There should always be something positive for you to take away from just investing your time in reading this blog or visiting my site.

I’ve learned that no matter how well put together you can look on the outside you can be falling apart on the inside. The world has enough negativity in it.

That’s why I think God has lead me down the path of Sustainability. As an Eco-Conscious Designer I’m more cognizant of my effect on the environment, the impact I have on my local community. It goes so deep that it also effects my views on agriculture, what I’m feeding myself and my family and trying to look at the “bigger” picture.

I also love Eco, Ethical Design because every single piece is like a peek to my story. It’s an amazing translation of what God has done within me and through me, a testimony on His Faithfulness. Which I think many can relate to.

It’s been a wild Journey. One that I wouldn’t trade for anything. Learning to find my calling although at times stressful, is truly rewarding.

In the beginning, I wanted to do things the way I thought things should be done. Such as branding, website and social media, etc. But the more I dove into the world of the design the more I saw the importance of having a voice. Of having a message.

I am driven by full passion and a knowledge that the gifts I have are meant to Glorify God. I am determined. I have a story, I have a vision and I continually ask God to pave the way.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6

I’ve grown so much from where I’ve started that it’s just crazy! My mentality is completely different. It just shows in the way I’ve been creating. From custom bags, diving fearlessly into interior design and to now my own collections.

Trust me, I know, I know that I’m not doing things the “beaten path” way but the beaten path’s already been trodden and I’m just discovering new territories with a sense of bewilderment and wide eyed curiosity.

I’m just a woman, an artist finding my way. Oh yea, they call that Designer. ♥

 Now as I’m falling into fall, I hope you can continue to join me on this amazingly incredible journey, from failures to triumphs I hope to keep it as real as possible.

10543874_10152690976456940_933076490_nNow I’m diving into Fashion.

Yes it’s scary, some may even call me insane. Call me crazy….crazy for fashion.

I’m out!

Growth can only come from pushing the limits of what you think are your limitations.

Until Next Time! CIAO!! ♥



  1. Marissa says:

    You are doing great things!! I can’t wait to see where this journey takes you!!

  2. Marissa says:

    You are doing great things!! I can’t wait to see where this journey takes you!!

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