Glow online! Website Launch – The Glow Within You!

It was so amazing working with a powerhouse online Relationship Stylist & Coach like Darianna! Darianna has worked with me on a Web Design VIP Day where I worked with her on just taking her online presence to the next level. We also were able to work on a sales page, that she can use as a template for any of her future courses.

P.S.Coming soon to the shop will be Show it Web Designs and Sales pages! Lord willing Can’t wait so stay tuned!

Check out Darianna’s New Show it Website:

Styled by me; Linda Mendible

I was able to help Darianna craft her elevator pitch, a well crafted elevator pitch can be one of the first things your potential clients, customers or audience see! Darianna is one of our Monetizing Mompreneurs Membership Founding Member. And we used one of our templates & courses called ‘Crafting your Elevator pitch’. Catch it in our Shop or join our AMAZING Membership: Monetizing Mompreneurs VIP Society to gain access! Because she was a member she was also able to develop her program, validate it and now just polish it up.

We were really able to buckle down and hone in on her brand colors, messaging and feel.

Darianna’s initial Course was called “Emotional Fit Fasting“. After taking a look at what she was offering and WHY people would sign up, I advised her, from a marketing stand point, to re-position her membership to: ‘The Intentional Reboot‘. It really emphases what she is truly providing her students and directly aligns with the value of her business and the intentionality of how she coaches. The rest was easy as Darianna had fantastic Images to choose from.

Where it Started:

Let’s talk about her inspiration.

Darianna LOVED her Brand colors from one of her programs called Glow Fasting, which, I had made a couple of variations for her to choose from when it came to “logo” design. From her promotional items, lead magnets etc. The text is what really makes the brand “logo” stand out and she had a bases to make multiple products with. Which I think is Super cool. Bravo Darianna! Bravo!

A Logo doesn’t have to be stagnate, meaning you can add variations of it underneath the umbrella of your brand. As seen in this video below on how Darianna used the Glow Fasting Variation and created Glow Juicing for her Juice brand. We were also able to sprinkle different valuable videos to her website which I always love to do.

Don’t be afraid to record a moment, make videos from your iphone or hire a professional to make your brand really STAND OUT! There’s also really creative people in your area that you can collab with so make sure you utilize your local network when growing your brand.

One of the first places I started was in photography groups and collabed with people who were honing their craft and needed materials and an opportunity. So get plugged in, within your area!

A really great website needs: Great Photos, a Tagline, an Elevator Pitch, Mission, Videos (optional but starting to become a necessity), ONE CORE OFFER/ MESSAGE; I emphasis this a lot because when you confuse people, you lose people, And a SIMPLE way for people to connect with you, buy from you or both!

Make it simple for people to connect with you and understand how you truly transform or impact someone’s life with your products and/or services. When you understand and believe the value that you offer, everything else just falls into place.

When you’re faithful with the small, God will lift you to the bigger and greater things.

Check out Darianna’s New Show it Website:

How about you?

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What’s your current Elevator Pitch? Let me know in the comments!


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