Recap: Ascension 2014 Fashion Video!

Hello Love!

Ascension 2014 Linda Mendible Charolette Shoot 2 09232014_LM_1-2 09232014_LM_4-2 09232014_LM_2-2 09232014_LM_4 Linda Mendible Charolette Shoot Linda Mendible Charolette Shoot 2 Linda Mendible Charolette shoot 1 10665782_724400640948071_6854650120708412686_n

So I just want to start off by saying,THANK YOU for stopping by! Now…ONWARD!

Soooo this past month in September I had the most amazing opportunity to do what I’ve always wanted to do, a Video! How cool is that!

The host, The T.Z. Studio, for up coming Runway show Ascension 2014, wanted to do mini video clips of the designers that are being featured on their Runway. So exciting to be one of the Designers! This is also their first Runway show! They are mixing Cars with Fashion! Exciting stuff!

Ascension is defined as the act of rising to an important position
or a higher level, and that is exactly the top notch experience you
can expect at Ascension 2014. The first show of its kind in Charlotte,
Ascension will be an evening of unsurpassed attention to detail, a
hybrid fashion and car show featuring the best Charlotte has to
Imagine a runway featuring the hottest styles, surrounded
by rare cars of all kinds, with VIP tables throughout the beautiful
open space created especially for this event at the Red Diamond
Event Center. TZ Studio will make its debut at Ascension, along with
lauded designers BRLoft (Los Angeles), Threaded Culture (Atlanta),
Cashmir (New York), and Linda Mendible (Cary, NC). Though primarily
known for its photography and video work, TZ Studioโ€™s proprietor,
Laurence Logan, has many aspirations and looks forward to sharing
his vision along with the other lauded designers and entrepreneurs
slated to appear that evening. Never before has an event of this
creative caliber been seen in Charlotte, and Ascension promises to
be the event of the season. Whether you seek an evening of incredible
style and fashion or simply seek an event to see and be seen, you
wonโ€™t want to miss this groundbreaking show!

-Press Release

This Runway show is going to be amazing! I can feel it!

ย You can know more about it over on FB:ย

If you’re in the Charlotte, NC area around November 22, you should totally check out the show! Get your tickets Here:ย

When I watch the video of my clothing, it’s sometimes unreal to me because, 1. It’s so amazing! and 2. the difficult time I went through to just make it to the day of the shoot!

Let me just give you the rundown, note: this is not me complaining, I’m just trying to be real on what I faced, and that sometimes you gotta PUSH through. (Pray Until Something Happens)

My home situation was super uncomfortable it was ridiculous! I had guests over, I was sleep training my baby boy so I ended up sleeping on the couch the whole time I’m making these garments that you see in the video and my home studio became the guest room so I ended up working on my dining table. Our humble apartment was a mess because of it and it wasn’t the most ideal situation to let your creativity fly, if you know what I mean.

Then, the cherry on top, the day of the shoot I caught a cold! I had the most horrible headache but thank God I had my amazing husband with me encouraging me because, to be honest, going through all of that I just wanted to throw in the towel, but I pushed through!

Now, when faced with certain deadlines or work gets piled up on my plate, I just think of that time I went through one of the most difficult moments in my life, it truly was!


DSCF4746We were able to do the video at Laurence (Owner of The T.Z. Studio and Photographer/Videographer), friend’s apartment. It was humble and we made it work, I rearranged what she already had, added some of my pillows and just made it work, as Tim Gunn says in Project Runway!

“Make it Work!”

Too bad I didn’t take any before and after shots! Seriously it was a huge change and she def, Carpe Diem, and I believe we blessed her. ๐Ÿ˜€

It was so cool to just make what was given to us work!DSCF4747 DSCF4752Being behind the scences for the first time in making a video was amazing! It is definitely a talent to direct any sort of video. I truly just went with what Laurence’s vision was and it was amazing! Plus I was with a cold, tired and I just went with the flow, I thought to myself. “I made it” The clothes are done and I just get to see the magic happen. phew!DSCF4756 DSCF4770 DSCF4776Iย really felt like everyone, including the models were truly involved and wanted an amazing outcome. Everyone was so supportive and each person had a talent to showcase. This is not done by one person alone! A team truly takes things to the next level.

I’m feeling so blessed that I got to experience all of it.

DSCF4781 DSCF4789Their walk was fierce!DSCF4796 DSCF4800 DSCF4810 DSCF4819 DSCF4823 DSCF4839This is one of my favorite shots that I took! It’s just them on some down time ๐Ÿ™‚ Mind you, even though this took place in September it was hot this day!DSCF4849 DSCF4854 DSCF4861 DSCF4870 DSCF4878 DSCF4887 DSCF4890 DSCF4905

It was amazing working with such a talented crew! I’m so honored to work with such fun and amazing individuals. I can’t believe that I get to do what I’m doing. There’s always ups and downs, and like I heard it said before “you’re always going to have problems, but I rather have dream problems, dream problems are the best problems.” – Jentzen Franklin.

It’s so true.

Sometimes we think that if we stop pursuing a dream then we wont face the problems, hardships or difficulties that come when pursuing those dreams. When in truth you’re always going to face something, why not face the storms of achieving your dreams.

The End Product:

You know what’s even crazier O_O I didn’t even do a fitting or measurements of the models, it was all by faith and thank God He blessed me with a good eye. I can eyeball an inch! Crazy, but I just knew if I made it past all the challenges that God was going to see it through!

You can see the results of the photoshoot here:ย

Until Next time! Ciao!


  1. Marissa says:

    This video came out amazing and of course I love the outfits! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I know this will be a fantastic event!

    • Thank you so much Marissa! I was worried at first how it would come out, but it came out fantastic! Thank God! Can’t wait till you’re sashaying down that runway ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Love. It. ALL. Oh and you know that bag has my attention ๐Ÿ˜€ So happy for you and all your success and the success yet to come! Be Blessed Lovie ๐Ÿ˜€ xoxo

    • โ™ฅ_โ™ฅ awwwww Thank you Love, It’s so fun being able to create these designs! Haha when ever you are ready for anything leopard let me know! ๐Ÿ˜€ xoxo Hugs!

  3. Cheryl says:

    Great work you did! Iยดm glad that you chose neutral colors, they can be worn all year long. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Laurence Ta'Ziyah Logan says:

    I love it Linda! Thank you for being apart of our show! Can’t wait to work with you again!

  5. Laurence Ta'Ziyah Logan says:

    I love it Linda! Thank you for being apart of our show! Can’t wait to work with you again!

  6. Love. It. ALL. Oh and you know that bag has my attention ๐Ÿ˜€ So happy for you and all your success and the success yet to come! Be Blessed Lovie ๐Ÿ˜€ xoxo

  7. Marissa says:

    This video came out amazing and of course I love the outfits! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I know this will be a fantastic event!

    • Thank you so much Marissa! I was worried at first how it would come out, but it came out fantastic! Thank God! Can’t wait till you’re sashaying down that runway ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. Cheryl says:

    Great work you did! I´m glad that you chose neutral colors, they can be worn all year long. ๐Ÿ™‚

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