How I lost 18 Pounds and counting!

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I thought this would be a great post because there are so many Slim quick schemes and I thought that maybe someone out there would enjoy a real person post, on their journey on how they lost weight and how they are still losing weight.

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If you think I did it with exercise well honey the answer is no, I got a 6month old. Enough said!

When I had my baby back in September 2013 I gained a lot more than I thought I would, although my tummy fairly got back to a good position (almost flat) I had other problem areas. My legs, thighs, my honky-tonk, my sides and arms. I think because I was a gym and 5 -7 miles run a week gal my tummy went back pretty quickly.

 photo a12c56a5-9150-4653-b028-9e1fc172de7c_zps9e001f05.pngThis was me before a baby. (150lbs)

Now that I am larger than I ever been in life and hardly having time to truly go to the gym or run a mile, I’m truly investing my time to changing my eating habits. I never knew how hard it was to lose weight until I myself became over weight, I still have 30 pounds to go, to get to where I feel comfortable at. My goal is to lose 5 pounds a month and maintain a healthy diet and weight. (I hope to be bikini ready by summer! or at least comfortable in one!)

 photo howmuchshouldiweigh_zps66821786.gifI’m 5’4 but I feel like I’m 5’7 :)// To be honest this chart is not for everyone, because I was in amazing shape with a 6pack (of muscles) at 150. Remember muscle will always weigh more than fat.

I’m doing this weight loss journey for me, not for what anyone thinks of me, may say or are saying of me, it’s truly for me. I don’t want to ignore that I am over weight because if I do that, I’ll never confront the issue. It’s hard and forgive me if it seems a bit vain or harsh but I want to be able to feel great in my own skin and have a confidence that comes from being in shape I also want to keep up with my son as he grows.

 photo 43e21de1-76de-412d-9816-d2ec0289a3a4_zps8481e0ac.pngMe before I met my soul mate 🙂 Now hubby. 125lbs. I never really was larger than 130 until I hit 25yrs.

I never really had any problems with weight until I turned 25. I use to eat what ever I wanted! And I had to eat just to have meat on my bones. Now, it’s the opposite it’s very hard to lose weight, and through trial and error, determination and discipline I’ve found what works for me and my new body. I’m sharing my experience

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You can’t just Diet. I’ve noticed that diet is only a temporary fix, it ends up being something you do temporarily, especially if you have a weight problem. Why? Because you will relapse. Trust me I know what I’m taking about I’ve done it before. Now my goal is to actually make a lifestyle change. To be conscious of what it is I’m putting in my body. I’m also nursing so what I eat doesn’t just affect me it affects my lil one. This is not a time frame deal it’s for the rest of my life decision.


Muscle vs. Fat. So I went from 150(before baby) – 179 (post partum)! It’s a major difference because that 150 was more muscle than fat. The 179 is more fat than muscle. Now I’m down to 161 and counting! But it wasn’t until recently that I’ve truly been seeing the weight slide off. It was about 2 weeks ago when I decided to make a lifestyle change. Within that 2 week time line I lost 10 pounds!

 Here’s How I am doing it!

So I’m going to tell you what works for me, not what I believe will work for everyone because everyone’s body is unique and special. My information comes from my experiences and also it helps to have a brother who is a personal trainer! So before you go any further if you haven’t declared or think you are ready for a lifestyle change or ready to give up unhealthy foods. Stop here, don’t pass Go. Because love, you need to change your thinking before you change your life.

 photo 155294_107874886035793_372710379_n_zpsb488e6ad.jpgYes this is my bro, and he’s hardcore!


It’s a known fact that people who drink smoothies/start their day with smoothies are usually in good shape. Don’t believe me? Google it. I have a smoothie for breakfast instead of carbs. Instead of those yummy pancakes. I know bummer but it works. I also then drink my coffee. I love coffee.

 photo DSCF2316_zps437363e4.jpgThis is a Mango, Avocado, Spinach Smoothie I also like to add freshly squeezed orange juice which makes it that much more better!

EAT MORE = Less hungry

Before when I was trying to get cut and lose fat, my personal trainer brother (Tito, I know it’s so spanish!) would tell me that you burn more fat when you eat every 2-3 hours and honey it works, but you can’t stuff your face! You have to eat strategically.

Here’s an example of my average day:

9am Breakfast – Smoothie

11am – SNACK

1pm – Lunch

4pm – SNACK

6pm – Dinner


You can eat what ever you want but I wouldn’t recommend it, if you truly are trying to lose weight. Now since you are eating a lot more than regular (I would think) you don’t need to eat such big meals. During your Lunch and Dinner cut it in half or 2/3 of what you would usually eat. Also sometimes you can indulge a bit, but always try to go for the healthier choices.

For example on the weekends the hubby and I usually eat out, we opt for foods that are yummy but more healthier such as a salad instead of a burger and a side of fries. But sometimes I do allow myself a cheat day once in a while. ♥


Instead of ordering a burger coke and fries I’d opt for the salad and water. Why? Because I have made a lifestyle change and I have decided that I’m going to eat healthy! So when doing this lifestyle change you also have to decide to eat Healthy! I use to lie to myself by thinking “Just once doesn’t hurt…” But truly everything counts. Eating healthier means more energy, clearer skin and a healthier physic. So next time when you’re at Chipotle, McDonalds, or Zaxby get the SALAD!


Get yourself some yummy protein bars! FRUITS and VEGGIES! Sometimes I need a quick sweet fix and I do that during my snack time with a (1) protein bar. If I’m still hungry I would eat a fruit or veggie until Lunch or Dinner time. Yogurt is also a great snack. I also like to do a Smoothie as a snack.

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This one is an important step, throw away the junk. Yes the Junk food. Remember this is a lifestyle change, you have decided that instead of Junk food you’ll be eating healthy foods. So go ahead and get rid of the stuff that’s really just clogging you up and getting you sick.

If you truly eat this way, at first you will have cravings but if you decide in your mind that you just want to totally and completely commit and change your eating habits for good, you will be seeing the results of your decision. I am not a professional nor am I license or certified in diet but I’m just telling you what works for me and maybe it may help you too.


Plan for success. If you are going to go out with friends or family and you all usually eat out plan ahead of time! You can work around what you are going to eat. If you believe you are going to eat heavier at night eat lighter for lunch I usually do a well packed nutrient rich SMOOTHIE! If I eat heavier for lunch I’m drinking a SMOOTHIE for dinner and vice versa.

 I’ve lost 18pounds with little to no exercise on this lifestyle change and I am preparing myself to always eat this way because it works for me. Later on I’m also planing on adding exercise to my routine. I hope to do these weekly follow ups and hopefully you can join me on this journey 🙂 Pray for me!


Let’s say you’re at panera bread…get the apple!

Until Next time! Ciao!


  1. Felicia M. Tavarez Puntiel says:

    Love it. Although i barely eat junk food i love me some beer once a blue ….and my fulltime college classes and full time work and my son takes up my time…so it shard to eat every 2 hrs….i love eating healthy…but the timing its my problem.

    • Wow! You’re amazing! I know what you mean Felicia! It’s no faci, but worth it. Plus it’s all about what you can do, for me right now exercising is hard so I have to be more discipline with eating verses the gym. It’s all about what works for you ♥

  2. Felicia M. Tavarez Puntiel says:

    Love it. Although i barely eat junk food i love me some beer once a blue ….and my fulltime college classes and full time work and my son takes up my time…so it shard to eat every 2 hrs….i love eating healthy…but the timing its my problem.

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