How to Break Free From Your Negative Thought Patterns


Have you ever felt emotions so deeply that you felt stuck?

After Alyse’s daughter was born, the culmination of her previous health issues on top of a new baby turned into postpartum depression. After a particularly rough day, she dropped to her knees and prayed for relief. She found it the next day in a Facebook post about Regenerative Detoxification. This kicked off Alyse’s healing journey and inspired her to start her own company to help others process extreme emotions.

In today’s episode you’ll hear:

  • What are thought patterns and why they keep us stuck
  • How hypnotherapy helps disrupt the negative thought patterns
  • The one thing you need to do to change your life for the better (hint: you can start today!)
  • Why imagination is critical to a well-rounded life
  • Stay tuned to the end for a special treat!

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