minisode 1: July GOALS | Happy July 4th!


Hello Love!



In this minisode, I decided to take advantage of this Holiday Vacation and give you a brand new episode talking about my July Goals. I’ve been thinking sincerely, praying earnestly as the direction we will be going and it’s such a blessing to know that God’s hands are all over our lives. One thing I know I am nothing without Jesus.

Thank you all for the support, listen to the show, leave a review as it helps me provide better content and overall just do better!

There is still so much I’d like to do, want to reveal and just need to get out there but there are only so many hours in a day! One goal that I haven’t mentioned in the minisode is that I want to be more consistent. I believe that is truly the key to any success and that’s why I’m committed to a blog post a week, it’s been a bit difficult doing the juggle because as they say… it gets real.

What you’ll hear..

My Goals for July

  • Finishing up this upcoming event with the grace of God
  • Being more in the word
  • Embracing balance and pivoting towards what matters to me especially my values. I believe HOME is our first Ministry
  • Transitioning into ministry and what that may look like
  • Finishing 1 book and my number one book on my reader’s list for the month, besides the Bible is “Hope Unfolding” by Becky Thompson of Scissortail Silk. So far it is AMAZING! I started it last year and haven’t gotten a chance to finish it, this time my goal is to finish reading 1 good book a month. I have a mini library in my office closet and it’s time I dust those bad boys off!

In this Post

Episode 2 Lara Casey | Photos by Cedric of Kingsway.Pictures |  Unfolding Hope by Becky Thompson


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