Becoming Successful | My thoughts lately…


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Surface Pattern Designer:  Khristian A. Howell

Where do I begin? Jesus never said that in this world we will not have trouble. I’ve been going through some ups and downs, mostly just emotional, next year I’ll be hitting the big 3-0 (I can’t even bring myself to truly say it) and honestly I don’t feel older. Although my body is a lot different than what it used to be, from back in my early twenties. It could be from having a baby…who knows 😛

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 Personal Stylist & Fashion Blogger: Liz (Schneider) Adams

Days go a lot faster than what I used to remember. I find myself, trying on one hand, to enjoy the simple things in life and the other asking myself, God what does it take to become successful?

Do not love sleep or you will grow poor; stay awake and you will have food to spare.Proverbs 20:13

They say that success is more in the eyes of the beholder, “what it means to you personally“, other than a general concoction of what the term actually entails or means. Sometimes I feel as though that’s just an excuse to stay just were you’re at. I could be wrong I’m being very speculative.

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 Owner of Big City little Sweets: Julie Hwang

It’s just… I truly want to do what I was made to do, what GOD has brought me into this world to do and honestly…I have ambitions. I don’t want to be poor, sorry yes I said it, or in any way that term or word can be interpreted, I’d like to be blessed so that I may be a blessing. I don’t want to, at the end of it all, say I never tried, or I never gave my all. I want to step into all of God’s promises and be brave because He is with me.

So I hit the ground, pounding on the intellectual metaphor of internet pavement and I found the answer.


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Jamie Meares of Furbish Studio and blogger behind ISUWANNEE

It’s just that plain and simple. Or is it? Hardwork. I guess you would think it would be easy. Everything now-a-days is so streamlined, its so drive thru. I mean honestly, sometimes we over look what HARDWORK actually and truly means.

I now have this new endeavor. I want to be an Interior Designer, no, I’m meant to be a Designer, oh and wait not just any designer a Successful Designer. Yes ma’am or sir.

So I went searching on the inter web for inspirational media content that I frequently visit. It keeps the blood pumpin you know, and the common thread to all the inspirational content from women following their dreams as entrepreneurs in the design, fashion, etc field & actually making a living out of it, is Hardwork. There are also a few other traits and notions that I’d like to point out.

Reasons 1 & 2 are interchangeable no specific order amongst them (FYI: Faith without works is dead James 2:26)

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Owner & Designer of Society Social: Roxy Owens (by the way her blog has thee cutest post about turning 3-0 found here: 30 things every woman should have and should know by the time she’s 30)

Number 1  is HARD WORK. A hidden fuel is PASSION!

Number 2 Following your Gut. Many of the “successful” women that I’ve read about have specifically said they had wished they followed their Gut more. For me that equates to following the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

My definition of Success?

Doing what it is you were meant to do on this earth, and doing it well. Self sustained, joyful and fabulous 🙂

And Number 3 last but not least finding your Path, it goes into following your gut because basically it allows you to find your path.

I’ve noticed not one woman went about their success the same way. But what they also had in common was a knowledge of who they were or who they wanted to be and what they were passionate about. They weren’t afraid to take risks, some took the leap of faith sooner while others more cautiously. But guess what? They all took that leap of faith.


Many of the Entrepreneur women also lived!

They went from job to job until they understood what it was in their hearts to do. That takes Guts. So yea Number 4 GUTS!


They also had a great support around them. Many were given the green light from their hubbies 🙂 which I thought was so cute.

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Julia Buckingham Edelmann from Buckingham Interiors + Design

All pictures are linked to their sources, just click to read additional content of each Entrepreneur. Be Inspired.


Until Next Time! Ciao!


  1. Jus says:

    Great post!
    I enjoyed the fact that you curated some inspiring young designers who you also admire. I also love Society Social, her list was a great read too.

    Good luck to you and I will enjoy following you as you grow!

  2. Hi Linda,
    What a breath of fresh air. I see you have some of my favorites. Our North Carolina native Roxy Owens( awesome pick). As you know I love quotes, and one of my favorites is “you never know what you might have been.” So do what makes you happy, and tugs at your heart.

    I’m a lover of interior design as I too do interior design as fit ,within my family life. I love it always have. We adjust with the changes of life, but at the end you can say you tried this or that with no regrets vs. not at all.

    Perhaps is a great time to say # our conversation where I said I have no one I couldn’t limit myself? My passion is creativity which comes in many forms, but it’s still is creativity just in a different light from others.

    It’s very therapeutic, and rewarding. Linda, be inspired today, and creative tomorrow. I wish you the best in your endeavor of stepping into the world of interior design where the free spirit flows so graciously!

  3. Jus says:

    Great post!
    I enjoyed the fact that you curated some inspiring young designers who you also admire. I also love Society Social, her list was a great read too.

    Good luck to you and I will enjoy following you as you grow!

  4. Hi Linda,
    What a breath of fresh air. I see you have some of my favorites. Our North Carolina native Roxy Owens( awesome pick). As you know I love quotes, and one of my favorites is “you never know what you might have been.” So do what makes you happy, and tugs at your heart.

    I’m a lover of interior design as I too do interior design as fit ,within my family life. I love it always have. We adjust with the changes of life, but at the end you can say you tried this or that with no regrets vs. not at all.

    Perhaps is a great time to say # our conversation where I said I have no one I couldn’t limit myself? My passion is creativity which comes in many forms, but it’s still is creativity just in a different light from others.

    It’s very therapeutic, and rewarding. Linda, be inspired today, and creative tomorrow. I wish you the best in your endeavor of stepping into the world of interior design where the free spirit flows so graciously!

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