Meet Nikki Speer

We are a ethical clothing company designed and manufactured in North Carolina. We are proud of the clothing we offer to breast cancer survivors. Hope is our button up post op shirt with 4 interior drains and Grace is our cozy bamboo chemotherapy shawl. We want to make sure each survivor knows that they are beautiful not because of their outside beauty but their soul deep beauty (that makes them who they are-unique and special)

Do you have a nickname?
A lot of them but mostly Nikki or Nene (bug) my real name is Nicole

How old are you?

How old are you at heart?

What is your title and company?
Founder/President of Redefined Courage, Inc.

What year did you launch your business?

What has been a highlight during the time you’ve run your business?
The highlight I would say is all of the people that have been supportive. The family and friends and even strangers. The best thing is when I connect with a survivor and they say how blessed they were by what I am doing/providing and how it helped them. Those are the real highlights

What has been a lowlight and how did you bounce back?
I think the lowlight is not having any experience running a business and no formal education in the fashion industry. Literally teaching myself everything and gleaning from other peoples wisdom and strength.

I believe I will always be learning and growing- I never want to stop doing that, but I have come a long way from this point in a little over a year and I have more confidence in who I am as a person (business woman)

What do you tell yourself that keeps you motivated?
I tell myself that this is bigger than me! Its about others! and that my God is bigger than anything!

What would you say is one thing you do that refreshes you?
My daily time in prayer and bible reading and my daily hour walk (alone, with friends and or family)

What do you want readers to gain from following you on social media?
That I am a real person with real struggles. I will make mistakes. I pick myself up. I have grit and passion and faith and definitely BIG dreams can happen even if they do start on a sticky note

What lessons have you learned through running your business and pursuing your dreams?
That its tough! Its hard work and a lot of sacrifice. It also takes time and patience. I truly see that all things happen for a reason and all things have their time and place. Waiting on things, people, places has to be done- in the waiting we can rely on God that his perfect plan is better than what we had planned anyway!

What is your favorite lipstick color?
Pink (it was my mommas favorite)

Do you prefer coffee or tea?

Finish this sentence: “Be the woman….”
that God has called you to be. Royalty, cherished, strong, courageous and beautifully designed. You have a soul deep beauty that will shine through when you know you are His!

Check out Nikki’s website and follow her on Facebook!


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