9. Living A Purposeful Life



In this episode, I speak with Nikki Speer the founder and CEO of Redefined courage. A clothing brand focusing on Cancer survivor stiving to let them know they are beautiful not because of their outside beauty but their soul-deep beauty which makes them unique and special. Join me with Nikki as she speaks with us on Living a purposeful life and crafting a brand out from your passion.…

A few noteworthy sections and items we discuss in the show:

  • How Redefined courage started
  • Challenges of starting a business brand
  • Feelings about cancer survivors
  • Navigating throgh storm and challenges of life
  • Never let your current challenges weigh you down
  • We try to hurry God up in doing things or answering prayers
  • Turning your passion into a great assest
  • Always be willing to grow and expand

Thank you for tuning in today and I hope you enjoyed hearing about Nikki’s journey to creating her own business amidst challenges and living the purposeful life

Check out our Own personal Notes…

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