Meet Tyron


Next week, you’ll hear a great interview with Tyron

Today, I wanted to drop a minisode about what God has been laying on my heart to share.

Tyron Barrington is a fashion industry expert. A former top model agent and now a leading Fashion Producer and Casting Director. Tyron has produced for top fashion companies including Avon, Revlon, Levi’s Target, L’Oreal, Laura Mercier to name a few. He had also worked with celebrities such as Kylie Jenner, Venessa Hudgens, Lucy Hale, Ashley Greene, Lauren Conrad, Kat Graham, Jamie Chung, Rocsi Daiz etc.

Tyron is the President of MiFE & MiFE TALKS events, a non-profit organization that mentors teens, and young adults entering the fashion & entertainment industry, as well as bringing awareness to issues such as Female Genital Mutilation, Mental Health and Fashion, etc.

He has been featured on ABC Nightline, NY post, Daily News, as well as on numerous television series including I CAN MAKE YOU A SUPERMODEL in Holland, and the United Kingdom.

Get to Know Tyron

Do you have a nickname?

How old are you?

How old are you at heart?

What is your title and company?
President / Producer @ Barrington Group

What year did you launch your business?

What has been a highlight during the time you’ve run your business?
Being thankful to be given the opportunity to work with so many great and talented creative individuals. Each day and project (for me) is a gift from God, which is why I strive to stay humble, thankful, and happy each day; in theory, I don’t take any of it for granted.

What has been a lowlight and how did you bounce back?
I truly don’t remember any lowlight. When my father passed away in March 2008, on my birthday, I knew then that it was time to close the doors on living full time in New York City. I closed my casting studio, gave up my apartment, moved temporarily to New Jersey for about 6-8 months, before finally moving to Miami, to be closer to my mom, and to write my first book ‘The Lord is My Agent…’, and started being a full time producer – so, in actuality, this was a change in life, and career, but not a lowlight; I think the way we choose to approach everything, determines your outcome. I chose not to worry, but to trust God, and move on. This also happened a couple years ago, when my beautiful mom was killed in a car accident (on her birthday); I knew it was just another change/growth (direction) that God was taking me as it’s forced me to now use the time I’ve been given wisely, to accomplish the visions God has given me, such as writing the Treatment for a television series, while still helping those that are less fortunate than I am.

What do you tell yourself that keeps you motivated?
I remind myself that my life is in God’s hands; He’s the greatest Agent to ever live. He sees and knows ALL things about me, so I have nothing to hide, even when I feel alone – sometimes I can be at the airport 2-3 times per week (I travel a lot – especially since I live in Miami, Paris, and New York). So far this year, I made a concerted effort not to go anywhere for the month of January (I stayed in beautiful Miami). However, I always remind myself of the gift that was given to me, so I always pick myself up, and keep being thankful.

What would you say is one thing you do that refreshes you?
ESCAPE. Escaping to Paris, is where I’m usually more at peace; the pace of the city, the arts, culture, and cafe scene is what I truly enjoy. Also, Cuba. I’ve been going there for about 20 years, to escape the noise and clutter of ‘being busy’.

What do you want readers to gain from following you on social media?
To enjoy the journeys I take in life, that I post on these sites (most times I don’t post some of the places, as a friend once told me that some people may not be too receptive). Maybe, this is why I don’t post most of the celebs I work with, or places I go to. I know so many people wish they could go to some of the places that I’ve been blessed to go to, and just want them to enjoy it with me. My prayer is to see every corner of the world, before leaving it – I think the world and it’s people, are incredibly beautiful.

What lessons have you learned through running your business and pursuing your dreams?
I’ve always been a team player, especially when I was managing some of the top models and agencies, before becoming a casting director & producer.

What is your favorite gadget?
I guess my phone, because it is my connection to the world, clients, family and friends. I do not spend much time on any one social site – I generally click on to see whose birthday it is, then make sure to wish them a happy one, or to send prayers to any friends who’s going through something, or lost a loved one.

Do you prefer coffee or tea?
TeaTea for sure, especially in the morning; I grew up drinking tea. I now have a Starbucks tall Soy Latte, when I’m in the United States, especially in Miami, as I get to go around 4:30-5:00pm, to feed the birds outside the cafe – I’ve got a few bird friends who recognizes me whenever I show up, so I make sure to buy biscuits or Madeline’s, to feed them.

Finish this sentence: “Be the man….”
…God created you to be. Stay in your own lane. Smile (especially to strangers). Trust THE AGENT (Christ). Have Faith. Keep Hope in your heart, and most importantly, Forgiveness – both to oneself, as well as to those who’ve hurt us along the way. Last, but not least LOVE – it’s the greatest gift you can give to yourself, and everyone else.

Learn more about Tyron and Growing Up Gorgeous by visiting his website


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