Miracle Home Design by Garman Homes!

Hello Loves!

What a wonderful day! A couple of weekends ago I was invited to Garman Homes Miracle Home located in Briar Chapel in Chapel Hill, NC.

Briar Chapel, the Triangle’s largest green community, is fully invested in supporting healthy, sustainable lifestyles.  The community is thrilled to serve as the host site for this year’s Miracle Home and to work with builders who commit time and attention to such worthy causes.”

-Cherith, from Clairemont Communications


and it was INCREDIBLE!

And Yes, this home is currently on the market!

Garman Miracle Home in Briar Chapel (ext)

“The Miracle Home is a benefit house constructed as a fundraiser effort to support Duke Children’s Hospital & Health Center. Proceeds from the sale of the Miracle Home, as well as sponsored events and fundraisers throughout 2014, will be used to make a $200,000 donation to the annual MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.”


Please forgive the poor lighting in some of these pictures but all in all it was so well designed.

Not only is it a well designed home, such as taking care to detail of how a person may live in their daily life, it is a Green Certified HOME!

How cool is that!?

With 2,889 square feet of beautiful home, two bedrooms on the first floor 2 on the second, 3 full baths, and of course the incredible secret room, this home has more space then what meets the eye.

The 2015 Miracle Home, awarded a bronze-level National Building Green Certification, features a new floor plan with two bedrooms on both the first and second floor, a layout inspired by the construction manager of the 2015 Miracle Home as he cared for his wife after surgery.

Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (45)The Garman Homes Ladies (Build Like a Girl)

There was one question that I thought I really had to ask the two designers Alaina who is the one wearing the beautiful printed dress on the right and Division Vice President, and Allison who is Director of Design & Purchasing, and it was, “If you were to sum up this whole experience into just one word what would it be?

Grateful” Alison replied without skipping a beat. I later learned that they were able to name the street, instead of Rockstar or something cool to that extent, it was but exactly what the emotion entailed “Grateful” is the name of the street.

How grateful I am to have covered it. Haha I had to 😀

Behind the Writings on the Walls Of Garman Homes Miracle Home

Alaina had also mentioned that behind the drywall there was something very special, the children actually left little messages of blessings, I even caught a Psalm in there. This really brought the home to life for me and gave it a soul.

Usually homes are built methodical without much thought and a coldness that can sometimes come with modern details. But Alaina, Allison and the Garman Homes team truly brought something different to the table.


LOVES, you should of seen the genuine excitement these ladies oozed with, it was contagious.

Garman Homes Golf cart Escort

It was pretty cool being escorted by these golf carts and I later learned it was because they had an open bar j/k. 😀

These golf carts were truly a nice touch and very well received, because this girl of course, had to wear some stilettos.

The invite said “Dress Code: Bring your Swag“.

So, I had no choice.

Janice and Hubby of Garman Homes

When I walked up to the front steps I was greeted by the cutest couple Janice and her hubby. At that moment I knew that I was stepping into something special. The excitement was in the air and the walls were bustling with people interested not only in the home but giving back to such a tremendous cause.

There’s so much detail in this home that I can’t possibly write it all in one day let alone in one post. I’ve done my best to capture the home and I hope you enjoy 🙂

Katie and Janice of Garman HomesFrom Left to Right: Janice & Katie
First floor Hallway Of Garman Homes Miracle HomeThe First Floor: Has the master at the end of the hall to the right adjacent to the kitchen. Almost every room has a walk in closet! The Laundry room is located right across the master, LOVE that!

1st First floor bedroom Of Garman Homes Miracle Home
First floor Bedroom Day Bed Of Garman Homes Miracle Home Dining Room Of Garman Homes Miracle HomeThis formal Dining room is gorgeous!Barn doors of Dining room Of Garman Homes Miracle HomeI heart that the designers Alaina and Allison choose to use a good deal of green design, such as these barn doors that close off the dining room 🙂
Sushi in the Kitchen Of Garman Homes Miracle HomeI Love all white kitchens and I even loved how they soft lite the top cabinets. They went with a subway tile for the back splash which works great especially that herring bone ♥Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (32) Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (4)Usually I love seeing exposed brick unpainted but this painted brick actually goes well with the whole vibe of the room. The designers had mentioned that they wanted to keep everything pretty consistent such as white walls with dark trim and they even addressed the trim as the dressing of the home.

Usually you’ll find light trim in most homes. I like the boldness of the dark trim, well played ladies, well played.
Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (42)That couch though. I just want to fold it up put it in my back pocket and unravel it in my own home 🙂 Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (5) Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (41) Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (6)Before going up these lovely steps, people were just coming down in awe and saying just how beautiful the upstairs was. Come to find out, it didn’t disappoint.Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (7) Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (8) Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (9) Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (10) I caught Allison Lounging in this peaceful retreat. Alaina had mentioned that the home was built on intention. This home had a place to Gather and to Celebrate, a place to Greet and Reflect

As moms they kept in mind what it would be to raise a child that was sick, and what the family may need as a whole.

Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (11) Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (12) Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (13)One of those needs was this amazing secret room that I refer to as a sanctuary for any child.Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (14)This rug is actual pieces of reclaimed leather!Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (15) Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (16) Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (17) Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (18) Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (19)Who doesn’t love over sized pillows?Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (20)Who doesn’t love an indoor swing? Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (21)Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (23) Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (24) Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (25) Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (26) Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (27) Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (28) Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (29) Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (30) Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (31)

Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (39) Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (40) Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (33)Garman Miracle Home in Briar Chapel (int6)Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (35) Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (36)Aww the master bath…
Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (37) Of Garman Homes Miracle Home (44)

Deuces ya!

Show some love by also giving back, by following Garman Homes via FB: https://www.facebook.com/GarmanHomesFB

Check out their amazing Home Tour and find out how you can make this your home: http://tours.tourfactory.com/tours/tour.asp?t=1235769

My attendance to this event was c/o Garman Homes. All thoughts are my own ♥

Until Next time! Ciao!

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still being molly
Lil Mrs Tori


  1. the mirror wall is fabulous!! love this home!

  2. What a gorgeous home for an awesome cause! You can definitely tell that building it was a labor of love.

  3. the mirror wall is fabulous!! love this home!

  4. What a gorgeous home for an awesome cause! You can definitely tell that building it was a labor of love.

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