NC State Fair//5 ways to unplug & how to manage your time!

Hello Love!

Last week the hubby, our lil munchkin, and family went to the NC State Fair!

It was amazing!

Especially after having the experience, from our Disney Vacation, I was more inclined to truly appreciate it and not be a worry wart.


After the trip I was so inspired. One of my weaknesses is social media.

Unplugging is one of the most difficult things for anyone now a days, and I’m also guilty. I’ve noticed for my own well being and to truly appreciate the blessings in my life. I need, if not have to unplug.

But before I go into the 5 ways to unplug, check out these pics I’ve captured from our trip. I tried to get the essence of the State Fair. I’m so happy with my camera! To just try it out and grow from taking pictures, from seeing what works and what doesn’t. Love it! Ahhh the artist side of me swoons. ♥

Linda Mendible NC State Fair (1) Linda Mendible NC State Fair (2) Linda Mendible NC State Fair (3) Linda Mendible NC State Fair (4) Linda Mendible NC State Fair (7) Linda Mendible NC State Fair (9) Linda Mendible NC State Fair (10) Linda Mendible NC State Fair (12) Linda Mendible NC State Fair (13) Linda Mendible NC State Fair (16)

I know, I know…Where’s the food right? Haha I did get some captures but I just didn’t like how they turned out. I know many go for the food, our family goes for the rides and experience mainly. It’s just us. ^_^

Without further adieu!

[dropcap style="light"]5[/dropcap]Ways to Unplug and Rock out while doing it!

[dropcap style=" "]1.[/dropcap]Turn off push notifications

This is by fair the best thing I’ve ever thought of doing and saves me valuable offline time! I keep facebook off. The rest I don’t mind. With all the pics you gotta like and the articles you want to read, this was a no brainer for me. I also freelance for an amazing Christian Mag and I have access to their page, they are constantly growing, getting new likes and I couldn’t take the suspense or temptation to see what is going on, is it my own personal page or is it theirs. Is it something I’ve written lately, is it not.

It’s just to much! Then there’s my Facebook personal page which people LOVE to message me there other than email. Even though I’ve written in my timeline, it is best to email me. I just prefer Email over EVERYTHING. There’s a specific time I go into it and I feel as though I made the choice instead of a machine, i.e. iphone telling me what to check. I don’t like the feeling of not being in control of my time. I also check my FB at certain times.

[dropcap style=" "]2.[/dropcap]Invest in your own camera other than your phone

I find this works, it allows you to not be tempted to upload a photo to all of your social media outlets and actually allows you to be more invested in the moment and what you are capturing. Not to mention everyone will invite you to hang out with them. ^_^ You know, for those gorgeous pics you take. Feels good to be loved, even if it’s just for pictures 😛

[dropcap style=" "]3.[/dropcap]Set your mind and keep it set.

Set boundaries and uphold them. I found when I didn’t have any boundaries on when I would be online it would actually interfere with the precious & timeless times I have with my family and/or friends. I decided to have specific blocks of time that I would post something or work on anything. It’s still a work in progress but when you set your mind to make this a priority, you find that you become more aware of what you actually do with your time. This is by far the best way to unplug from social media land and not feel guilty.

[dropcap style=" "]4. [/dropcap]Focus on the current moment.

What ever you are experiencing outside of your phone or computer, make sure to fully engage in on the experience. Completely shut off your mind into thinking of what is needed to be done else where. This one takes practice but if you set up boundaries and have set your mind to follow through, this will become easier.

[dropcap style=" "]5.[/dropcap]Plan

Plan your schedule out. I know this one seems a bit much, but honestly it’s not. It will allow you to be more present and more focused on what ever it is you are doing. You will be able to be more engaged in the NOW moment. I’m a very, very, very busy person but I don’t feel it because I do this one thing right here. I make time for everything because I PLAN IT OUT! I know what needs to be done when, and it allows me to have my ME time and FREE time. I know when I can chill and when I need to hustle. I’m able to chase my lil baby boy around and cook dinner for the Hubbs.

Planing it out, although it will take some thought and energy, will save you precious amounts of valuable time, that you will not ever get back.


I hope you Enjoyed my 5 ways to UNPLUG! Until next time!



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