The Peace Room Part 2 of 2 | Fashion Runway Show Recap!

The Peace Room Acension 2014 Linda Mendible Fashion Runway Show Charolette NC (1)
The Peace Room Acension 2014 Linda Mendible Fashion Runway Show Charolette NC (2) The Peace Room Acension 2014 Linda Mendible Fashion Runway Show Charolette NC (3) The Peace Room Acension 2014 Linda Mendible Fashion Runway Show Charolette NC (4) The Peace Room Acension 2014 Linda Mendible Fashion Runway Show Charolette NC (5) The Peace Room Acension 2014 Linda Mendible Fashion Runway Show Charolette NC (6) The Peace Room Acension 2014 Linda Mendible Fashion Runway Show Charolette NC (7)The Peace Room Acension 2014 Linda Mendible Fashion Runway Show Charolette NC (8)The Peace Room Acension 2014 Linda Mendible Fashion Runway Show Charolette NC (9) The Peace Room Acension 2014 Linda Mendible Fashion Runway Show Charolette NC (10) The Peace Room Acension 2014 Linda Mendible Fashion Runway Show Charolette NC (13) The Peace Room Acension 2014 Linda Mendible Fashion Runway Show Charolette NC (14)

Read Part 1 of 2: HERE

I’ve finally gotten to a very special time in my life, where God has challenged me in a way that really has cleared away some of the clutter that was in my heart. Funny how He can do that sometimes.

Recently I did a post on my 2014 Highlights. I looked back on the year, I’ve noticed I’ve grown, I’ve matured and I’m not in a wild creative frenzy, like I was in 2014. Thank God! Do you know the wave I was riding?

The Ascension Runway Show was a great experience and it really put into perspective what exactly I would love to do, and go about in doing it. If you’ve been following me thus far, you know that I’ve recently been talking about this “Blogger Funk” I’ve been in.

Where I was feeling a bit uninspired. Have you ever felt this way? I’m sure everyone comes to a crossroads. Well honey, I was in one.

I felt like every one, every blogger, and just everyone in general was having a great start to a New Year and I was starting off in a Funk!

Well, I have AMAZING news! I no longer am in that Funk! Wooo hooo!

I’m so ready to take on this year with more pizzazz (wise, full of wisdom pizzazz) Then ever before. I’m sooo, looking forward to the future!

Have you ever faced a creative FUNK? How did you manage to rise above?

What are your endeavors for this new year? 



Emmie Banks
Andrea Wun
Marissa Williams (Who is also in: BTW SHABBY CHIC AND CHEAP)
Charlene P. Morgan
Kimmie Grimes (who is also in Recap: RECAP: ASCENSION PROMO 2ND VIDEO!! & BTW )
Courtney Williams (who is also in This Post: ASCENSION 2014 FASHION VIDEO Recap: )
Nupur AlbusPercival

Host of Ascension: The T.Z. Studio, owner Laurence and his crew.

MUA/Hair: Sheena Steele (Lead Beauty Specialist)

P.S. Bahahaha Courtney! I did not catch that crazy look you did in the back of Andrea until now! Ladies, Models You guys did an amazing Job! Thank you so much for your support and Reminding me what to say on stage! XOXO


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