Podcasting – Unboxing my Mic! | Week 2

Hello Love,

I am so excited to bring to you this unboxing, it’s one of my firsts of many I hope!

Starting a Podcast is no faci (not easy) my friends. It’s a work in progress, but as I said in Week 1 – Starting a Podcast, it’s about starting even when we don’t feel ready, just go for it.

I’ve never been on radio, or pursued a career in communications or even dreamed I’d be here starting my own show!

I am beyond excited for this!


I want to not only share my knowledge but also, interview people in all kinds of seasons and just speak with the novice along with the expert. The beginner along with the advanced. With the mom along with the business owner. Of people pursuing God’s call on their life.

Some interviews will be of regular people that don’t even have a “platform” online but perhaps work from home or are a part of the workforce. Intelligent beautiful human beings. I don’t want people to feel as though they need to have a website in order to feel important or have a social media platform in order to feel as though they matter, or have something special to say.

YOU matter.

It’s about God touching you right where you’re at.


The Linda Mendible Show is something I felt deeply called and nudged to do by God, I almost pulled a Moses when confronted with it. My voice is not perfect, I’ve listened to myself and sometimes you cannot tell what it is I’m saying and I’m honestly shocked that the people I have interviewed on the show, do know what I’m saying! Shocker!


It’s not easy figuring how to make your dream work for you. To come up with creative ways to allow others to invest and be part of what you’re building. It’s always a work in progress.

One thing I’m learning, it’s about showing up regardless of what’s happening. That’s the sacrifice in a sense.

That’s something I’m learning to be committed on.


Moving forward, I chose this particular MIC – the Audio-Technica ATR2100-USB due to the quality of sound I heard from Pat Flynn’s video which you can catch here: https://youtu.be/xu2QNUY5iyk?t=1m37s

I loved the quality and the price-point. I was willing to spend a bit more, but the sound quality was too goood and the price, well let’s just say they had me at, lower price-point awesome sound.

I used Audacity to record the ending of my video, plus it’s free, which was sooooo cool and something I will be using for mixing the beginning of my Official Podcast episodes, I guess I’ll leave that for another video and blog post!

Thank you so much for tuning in, for checking me out and stopping by! I hope this blog post helps you out on your own journey and Love, it’s totally worth it!

Leave a comment if and tell me what you think!




PAT FLYNN – SMART PASSIVE INCOME | Pat Flynn’s awesome Audio video | MIC – Audio-Technica ATR2100* | Audacity | Podcasting – Week 1


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