Sequins, Wood Grain & Layers

Sequins, wood grain & layers (1) Sequins, wood grain & layers (2) Sequins, wood grain & layers (3) Sequins, wood grain & layers (4) Sequins, wood grain & layers (5) Sequins, wood grain & layers (6) Sequins, wood grain & layers (7)

I love finding different ways to wear different pieces. From a dress I find I can easily pair with leggings or a pair of jeans to a collar shirt to just give it another dimension and layer. You don’t have to just settle to wear your favorite dress in the summer months alone, pairing it with the right accessories always works in my book.

Adding accessories such as a sequins jacket or scarf really does the trick for me. One of the things I do, whenever I am having an “off” day, dressing up and making up (putting on my makeup) always refreshes my spirit and prepares me for the rest of the day. When you look fabulous you feel fabulous.

It’s just like they say about smiling. If you smile more you ultimately end up feeling happier more. Try it out for yourself. 🙂

By the way, this clutch, is actually one of my first clutches I ever made! Funny story, back in the day I use to talk to boutique owners and schedule a day to talk with them, you know, to see what they were looking for as far as designers goes. This clutch would happen to be one of my show pieces. I quickly learned that I have a unique style. ♥ This clutch always reminds me of my hunt for a boutique to house my designs. ^_^

 White Clutch with Color stones Linda Mendible Lifestyle Designer

In This Post

Sequins Jacket [Similar Here] & [Similar Here (This one is sold out sorry!)], Old Navy Stripe Collar Shirt [Old], Navy blue dress [old], Grey Skinny high waist-ed jeans [gift from my b-day], Wood-Grain Heels ♥ [Old], Eco T-shirt Scarf [Made by Me], White with Color stones clutch [Made by Me]



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