Soul Searching | A Blogger’s Journey

Hello Love,

Remember that time I told you I was taking a New Approach? Well Love, I’m finally in that flow and I’ve been patiently waiting for this time.

Today I write to you from the heart and this post was something I’ve been debating over in my mind as to how I was going to speak on this new yet very exciting direction I’m headed.

Reflecting and Diy (2)

I’ve committed to keep consistent and to be a 5 days a week blogger, pretty ambitious, I know but it just feels right. To be honest, it’s something I’ve been working up to and just recently everything literally just clicked into place and I had this, “down-in-my-gut-feeling“, that now was the time. Even though I honestly was prepping for January.


You know, I’d thought that I’d just go with the flow and keep it moving, not really address the changes but, I’ve realized I do have readers, I have amazing readers that leave me amazing emails, texts and messages which is pretty cool. I do have a bunch of you cheering me on and depending on my posts which is so amazing and awesome! It just wouldn’t be fair to leave you all hanging like that, you know?


Even at a time that I was seriously thinking of “giving up“, retiring and just not blogging. (I know!) I’ve actually received incredible encouragement from a few of you, soo thank you so very much. You have no idea what it’s meant to me and my family.


Thank you for being patient with me while I figured this thing out.

Thank you for sending me emails letting me know how much my words may have resonated with you. Thank you for being YOU.

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I’ve bounced around A LOT!! A whole lot! It’s been an amazing ride and God has finally given me the peace I needed for stepping out with my own uniqueness, with my own voice and I’m so terribly happy.


This is my special place and one I welcome you in with open arms.

So buttercup, what I’m getting at is that you’ll be seeing and hearing a lot more from me and I hope that’s ok. I hope to bring a little bit of sunshine to your day, week or month, to possibly be your morning coffee and inspire you to style your life.

Reflecting and Diy (7)



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