Southern Women Show | Dress Rehearsal Recap!

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Hello Love,

If you’ve been following me on my Facebook Page or Instagram then you know the exciting, amazing and fabulous event that I had the honor of supplying a few of my handbags for!!

TriFABB founder & host Molly from StillbeingMolly was just super incredible and did such a great job getting us gals excited and amazed at what was going on in all of the Southern Women Show, Showness, (not a word, but I believe you catch my drift :D)

I feel so incredibly honored to just have been apart of this amazing event, I can’t believe just how amazing life can be if you let it be. Just attending the dress rehearsal was Fab!

I’m about to go deep on ya, just fair warning…

Love, have you ever felt guilty in just feeling so blessed? Not that everything in my life is perfect or that I have all my ducks in a row, but I just feel so incredibly grateful and…well blessed.

Lately, I’ve been going through the guilt trips of feeling blessed and although I go through my battles, my ups and my downs I know God has a plan. At times, I can’t help but feel a bit anxious or feel an overwhelming pressure to be further than where I am. To strive for more…


Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; Proverbs 3:5

With all of that, I say the following with a heavy heart, with all the cruelty, the persecution, the lives lost for the sake of Christ. The riots, the poverty, the children going to bed hungry…How can I be happy? Or what gives me the right to be?

Have you ever felt such a way?

 Moreover the law entered, that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: Romans 5:20

I have a hunch that I may not be the only one that goes through this from time to time. One thing I often pray about is “Lord, what do you want me to do?” His answer never fades or waivers; LOVE.

Right now, the best thing I can give myself and those around me is LOVE. I may not be able to go across the globe right this instance and help feed or clothe those who need it…but one day. The best thing I can do NOW, is to operate and live in Love.

I close out with this:

One day, as I was reading a fellow blogger; Caroline of Unfancy, her words stuck out, and have been on my mind.

Today as I write this article, it all comes full circle. She really puts it into perspective as she was thanking everyone for being so supportive as she was taking a hi-etas from her blog, her words read as follows;

Any time you use your words to add value to another human being, you are making the world better.

It sounds a little Pollyanna, but think about it.

When you feel loved + valued, it’s easier to love + value others, right?

So every time you add value to a human being, you’re starting a chain reaction. You’re making it easier for them to love the next person in their path. And who knows — that chain reaction might make it really far down the line, affecting people whose name you don’t know, whose face you’ve never seen.

And it started with you.

So today, I hope you’ll visualize that chain reaction, every time you share a kind word. Here’s to starting more of them and making the world better, one person at a time.

Caroline via Unfancy


In This Post

EmGrey Photography | | triFABB | Southern Women’s Show | The Peachy Keen | EDFbyLEE


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Have you ever been the one that they catch eating awkwardly? I thought I grabbed a sweeet spot just to pig out by my lonesome, you know, the spot by the cut, but oh no…here comes the photo fairy to awkwardly catch you in the most ridiculous poses. Dios Mio.


P.S. But no really it was so much fun! Haha. Don’t worry Em…I got your number. Ha!



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