Southern Women’s Show | Designers Perspective – Beautifully Broken

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Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, Colossians 3:23

Hello Love,

How are you in this fabulous day! I had to write my designer’s perspective of the show! I just couldn’t believe just how amazing everything went and it was a change to not be backstage making sure everything was taken care of, from hair to makeup!

Molly over at StillbeingMolly knocked it out the park!

You know, I’ve been praying A LOT lately. I’ve been digging into the word a bit and I’ve, really, really, really have been asking God for direction.

This Bag Collection is near and dear to my heart because, to be honest, if it wasn’t for Molly stepping out of her way asking me if I’d like to be apart of this show, I wouldn’t even have had the opportunity to put together such great pieces, in my eyes. (You can say I’m biased to my designs.) 😛

Love, just a few days ago I was in tears. Calling out to Jesus, just asking Him to help me in any capacity or way He can.

You know those days…the ugly cry days.

Today, I can honestly say that, today is one of those days that I have this incredible peace that everything, more than everything is going to be AMAZING.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; Proverbs 3:5

This is one of my favorite scriptures, it’s actually one I pull out and remember by heart.

Isn’t that like us Love, to try to figure everything out? Put a plan together, take a list in hopes to cross out what we’ve accomplished?

Or maybe not? For me, well…

For me Love, it’s come full circle and I’m embracing this Call on my life. I didn’t understand it before, I didn’t get it…

That’s How HE works sometimes. He humbles us, brakes our hearts, softens our hearts in the most beautiful way.

Beautifully broken.

That’s what we are when we come to His presence.

Don’t be afraid for God to break your heart in the most unbelievable and beautiful way.

We think…if we hold on to our “productive-ness” or if we somehow try to “control” the outcome that we wont get HURT. That we won’t feel.

Love…Sometimes, that’s exactly what GOD wants you to do, is FEEL.

Feel those emotions, don’t try to fight them. To actually feel. To appreciate them, we get to feel.

The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. Proverbs 4:7

Though it cost you All you have…There’s a meekness and an understanding that can only come from GOD. Don’t ever be afraid to just trust in HIM.

What exactly do you have? Have you really given it ALL to Him?

Honey, David even said it,

I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. Psalm 37:5

What are you trying to Hold on to that God is trying to break you free from? Even the Isralites complained when they were out of bondage.

Is God actually trying to free you but are you to afraid to FEEL the freedom? To FEEL all that comes from stepping into a Christ centered life?

This Collection, is a testament to exactly that Love. To remember it’s okay to be Beautifully Broken for GOD.

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Don’t my bags look stylish? Mmmm Hmmm I went there *Snap, Snap*

In This Post

Molly | Pictures via Em Grey Photography | Southern Women’s Show | triFABB


More info: Molly’s Recap



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