Staying True to Your Calling | When God is asking you to Stretch

Hello Love,


I’m sure, if you’re anything like me, you’ve heard the jargon.

“Vibrating at a higher frequency”
“Christ consciousness” (which I still don’t get)
Etc, etc, etc.

The truth is, happiness, joy, fulfillment, peace is all that we are looking for. Once we have our basic necessities met it becomes crystal clear that there is more to life than merely surviving.


But can it be love, that we have access to an abundance deeper than depths of the sea.

That we indeed have it all and just don’t realize it?


Confession time, I’ve been running full speed ahead, at what I thought I was meant to do.
I got enamored with this “lifestyle” of entrepreneurship and one thing I’ve learned during my journey is that each of us struggle with different things.

For example, some of us may be struggling with jealousy or some insecurity, lack of self-confidence or some depression.

We all struggle with different “weaknesses

The Truth shall set you free. John 8:32

I believe, before we set off to conquer what ever it is we want to succeed on, in life or in business we have to understand certain truths as people and as individuals.


We have to understand there comes a point that God will ask us, you, to Stretch.

To stretch outside of those weaknesses you believe are hindering you from reaching your full potential or dream.

I once thought, if I was financially free I’d be happier. I wouldn’t worry so much and I’d have “freedom“. That perhaps, one of my weakness is not having the right finances.

So, I started praying. I started praying for the first time in my life for God to grant me financial freedom.

I’d wish I was typing this on a beach somewhere sippin’ on a piñacolada.

Picture a warm sandy beach. Soft rolling waves…

But then I thought, my keyboard would get all sandy and possibly make the keys stick. Ya know, because sand gets eeerywhere at the beach. Yea, sounds dreamy but what about reality?

Sometimes, God doesn’t give us what we ask, but He meets us where we’re at, while asking us to stretch out our very weaknesses to Him.

Although it was one of my wants, to be more financially sound, it doesn’t necessarily mean that I would be happier or more fulfilled.



Our surroundings shouldn’t dictate our inner selves.



The truth is, if we allow outside influences to disrupt our inner selves, we will never be fulfilled, we will never find our calling and even if we do, we would never even stay the course. Because the very thing we wish didn’t hinder us is the very thing that will propel us forward.


What is God asking you to stretch?


Perhaps it’s your perception? Your thinking or your faith?

So after several days of praying, knowing that financial freedom was indeed something I wanted, because I am a wife and mom, God in His epic self-began speaking to me.


When God speaks to us we can often hear a voice deep inside or He speaks to us through others.

Be moldable.


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I began hearing of people that had the lifestyle they wanted but weren’t fulfilled and felt empty.
I saw a movie (based on a true story) of a woman that was moving full speed ahead towards her passion but lost everything in the midst but gain everything in the physical.


I heard of stories specifically, that really put things into perspective not only with life but within myself.


It dawned on me, in that moment that I was actually, this is so embarrassing, believing that perhaps my life would be easier, that my happiness, fulfillment would come from having a successful business?


I thought: that God would be glorified, I would leave a legacy and the Hubbs can pursue anything he wants too!


No worries of bills, no worry about living from paycheck to paycheck. I thought all that would make me happier or at least make life easier. Nah mean (slang for: you know what I mean).


It wasn’t until these two very specific stories that I realized that I was just like them, but instead of pushing through to make it happen I stopped and began questioning God what was it that I was meant to do. I was willing to sacrifice what I thought I wanted, for what God wanted for me.


Are you willing to stretch from your perceived limitations?

Pushing past your boundaries and stepping out of your comfort zones?

In life sometimes we have this “life is short” mentality, we need to get things done now and then worry about the rest later. I mean we do have bills to pay and a life we want to live, so why can’t we get that now!

So we work hard towards those goals, but we don’t realize there is a price to pay. That if we are not careful, the small print may catch up to us. Then at the same time there are lessons we need to learn in this life and if we don’t realize this, we can make our hearts into hearts of stone. By pursuing what we think we want. But have you lost your sight so badly that you fail to realize…


You are a child of God, your father is the Creator of the universe. You, my dear already have it all.

Psalm 23King James Version (KJV)

23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.


I’m not saying that ambition is bad, in fact, on the contrary, you have every right to be great! But what are you truly wanting and what price are you willing to pay?

In Ezekiel 36:26 it states “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.

God is saying at this moment, He is doing a NEW thing within you.

The price, I have found out, has already been paid for by Christ.

It is your willingness to stretch out your weakness, for His Mercy.

It is in stretching past what you believe are your limitations, giving God your weaknesses for His will on your life.

When God is asking you to stretch, will you be willing to give up the good for the great?

Are you willing?


What weaknesses are you willing to stretch out to Him?


  1. Oh my gosh this post is so on point! Talk about words really resonating with me. This is so good Linda thank you for giving us a true look and doing a self reality check;)

  2. Oh my gosh this post is so on point! Talk about words really resonating with me. This is so good Linda thank you for giving us a true look and doing a self reality check;)

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