30 Best advice at 30 | Love, by all means Love

Linda Mendible - How to Create a Foundation Wardrobe (3)Hello Love!

I’m so blessed! I feel so Blessed and I’m just blessed to write this blog, it’s really been a blessing to me. Do you think I’ve said the word Blessed enough times yet? Haha!

I can’t help it! Yesterday I was having a bit of an off day and I was soooo thankful that I’ve prepared this post a few weeks in advance because I really wanted to give some knowledge that I’ve gained from turning 30. I’ve finally connected the 3 and the 0.

For a while now I’ve been in a bit of a transition “mentally” and I must admit a bit in denial that I’m actually 30! I’ve finally embraced it and ready to take it on with grace!

This post really blessed me when I came upon it again and I hope it blesses you and may it gain you insight to your own journey and add beauty to it.

I was given the inspiration by Society’s Social Owner’s cute post on: 30 things every woman should have and should know and it really inspired me to write my own list. ♥

[dropcap style=" "]1.[/dropcap] "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Maya Angelou
[dropcap style=" "]2[/dropcap] Flattery will take you everywhere
[dropcap style=" "]3.[/dropcap] Don't ever complain about a situation, person or place, it's not very flattering or pretty.
[dropcap style=" "]4.[/dropcap] Make each day a habit to put on your best self, it's more for your older self, 
if you practice that, you will be rewarded in those older years. 80 never looked so good until You.
[dropcap style=" "]5.[/dropcap] Stay fit
[dropcap style=" "]6.[/dropcap] "As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others." Audrey Hepburn
[dropcap style=" "]7.[/dropcap] Immerse yourself in your passions
[dropcap style=" "]8.[/dropcap] Be kind
[dropcap style=" "]9.[/dropcap] Never burn any bridges
[dropcap style=" "]10.[/dropcap] Each opportunity is a chance to exercise God's goodness
[dropcap style=" "]11.[/dropcap] Don't be afraid to fail
[dropcap style=" "]12.[/dropcap] Share the burden and Cry with others
[dropcap style=" "]13.[/dropcap] Learn to Laugh at yourself
[dropcap style=" "]14.[/dropcap] Don't ever drink to get drunk, drink to taste. If you can help it at all, don't drink at all.
[dropcap style=" "]15.[/dropcap] Smile, and know, it may be all someone needs to turn their whole day around
[dropcap style=" "]17.[/dropcap] Learn to dance in the rain
[dropcap style=" "]18.[/dropcap] Appreciate and be humble for what you do have
[dropcap style=" "]19.[/dropcap] Work hard, it builds character
[dropcap style=" "]20.[/dropcap] Do things for others if it doesn't jeopardize who you are, but adds to it
[dropcap style=" "]21.[/dropcap] Volunteer
[dropcap style=" "]22.[/dropcap] Feed a stranger who needs it.
[dropcap style=" "]23.[/dropcap] Donate, your time, your kindness, your clothes and more if it comes from the heart.
[dropcap style=" "]24.[/dropcap] The present is a gift.
[dropcap style=" "]25.[/dropcap] Being right is overrated, learn to be quiet you'll look smarter
[dropcap style=" "]26.[/dropcap] Be still
[dropcap style=" "]27.[/dropcap] Treasure the people God has placed in your life and build those relationships
[dropcap style=" "]28.[/dropcap] Accept your gorgeousness regardless of who's trying to say otherwise
[dropcap style=" "]29.[/dropcap]Carry a shade of red lipstick to prove your point :)
[dropcap style=" "]30.[/dropcap] Love, by all means love.

On my reading list: 30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know

Linda Mendible - How to Create a Foundation Wardrobe (4)



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