30 Days of Grace



Hello Love, Thank you so much for joining me on the #30DaysofGraceChallenge. I can’t express just how amazing God is, how He indeed is real and how He just transforms lives. It’s been an honor for me to create the blog posts, the challenges and this Devotional & Journal that is currently on sale at […]


Hello Love,   Congratulations, you made it. You have been in The Word for 30 days! You know, many times we want to look at all the good things God can do, that God is doing and that God wants to do in our lives. Many times we want to look towards God’s Hand and […]


Hello Love,   These last 29 Days have gone faster than I realized. As we’re winding down I want to tell you about a story Jesus told. Jesus told this particular parable so that his disciples would always pray and never give up. He talked about a judge in a town who didn’t care about […]


Hello Love,   Today, we are in wait with Jesus as he is told one of his beloved friends is sick. Jesus says something very peculiar. When Jesus was approached about the one he loved (Lazarus) being sick, they didn’t tell him that he was sick, close to death. Or that the sickness was grim. […]


Hello Love,   Today we see we have a willing God. One day, Jesus came down a mountainside, a large crowd was following him. Then a man with leprosy came before Jesus and said   “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Matthew 8:2   Jesus reached out his hand and touched […]


Hello Love,   This week we journey with Jesus. Before Jesus officially started his ministry he met up with his cousin John the Baptist. There he asked John to baptize him. When John baptized Jesus…   The spirit of the Lord came down like a dove and affirmed not only to Jesus but to John […]


Hello Love,   Today, we’re in the belly of a whale. We’re going over one of my favorite stories in the bible. Jonah. Jonah was called by God to deliver a message. Due to the place in which he was to deliver the message, knowing how ruthless the people were Jonah thought it much better […]


Hello Love,   There is strength in Peace. No matter what challenge you face, no matter what may be in front of you, when we resolve to acquire Peace in all our actions, we walk with a certainty a strength that no one can take away from us.   In John 14:27 Jesus tells us […]


Hello Love,   O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is; Psalm 63:1   Today, we are going to dig into the power of commitment. One of the traits that separate the […]


Hello Love,   In Daniel chapter 3 there’s an incredible story about facing the inevitable. Of facing what looks like certain death, but God! A king called Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold in which he proclaimed that as soon as the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipe and all kinds of music, the people […]

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