Going on a Re-brand Sabbatical!

Hello Love,

Thank you so much for joining me on the #30DaysofGraceChallenge.

I can’t express just how amazing God is, how He indeed is real and how He just transforms lives. It’s been an honor for me to create the blog posts, the challenges and this Devotional & Journal that is currently on sale at our shop until midnight tonight! If you are willing, make sure go to snag yourself the download or our amazing hardcopy in Binder format!

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Let’s back up a bit.

…I came into the past year, 2016, a bit lost and confused. I knew what I wanted but I didn’t know how to go about in getting what it was that I wanted.

January….awww sweet January, it’s my birthday month, and all the best people are born on January and every month really.

2016 was the beginning of this New Chapter. I am so thankful that I am taking “the leap“.

January 2016 was also when God opened a completely new door that I wasn’t even aware was for me. Here I was, pretty much done with “sewing” and that’s when one of my good friends contacted me to help them on their website. I was willing to help them and just do it for free but they had insisted on paying me.

Then another friend…

And another…

So, light bulbs went on in my head. I was so thankful so excited and I began to think on creatives that I could help…

Remember when I spoke on “The importance of knowing your WHY“… Well Love, God has a way of just making everything come together. Things started clicking into place and I am exactly where I’m meant to be. I feel like I have built the bones, no God has built the bones and it’s something I know, God is just going to build upon.

When I entered 2016, I had no idea what was left for me…I let go.

That’s when I was reinvigorated with passion and opportunity. After having the door shut straight on my face on a project I was doing, I was given a new direction. A new opportunity and how the old saying goes, when one door closes another opens. It is so true.


I want to encourage YOU, yes you, do not give up! Sometimes what you need to do is let go and let God. Reconnect with why you started in the first place and sometimes you’ll find that the answer is right in front of your face.


I learned soooo much in all of my years I’m now able to be my most creative self and I truly enjoy the people and the work that I not only get to do but I think it’s ridiculously good looking and cool.


You can create the life you want to live if you are willing to put in the work. I’ve seen so many people fall for “easy” and they forget that when you’re walking within your calling. I mean with purpose. You get to create something that was only always meant for you to create. I am reminded of Nehemiah and how he diligently worked to complete something that he did not allow others to bring him down from. That’s what you have to do Love, and that’s another reason why I created the 30 Days of Grace Devotional and Gratitude Journal. It’s not about easy or possible but about pursuing your dream that call on your life. Don’t fall for “easy” we weren’t meant for easy, we are meant to triumph!


You have to let go of the perception you believe others have about you and boldly dig into what God says about you. Have a relationship with the One who can truly change your life. I don’t know about you, but I know Jesus is real and that’s why I’ve done the challenge because I need God. I’m nothing without Him and I wouldn’t even be alive today if it wasn’t for Him.


So Love, I want to end by saying YOU are capable of so much more than being “comfortable”, and I also want to say that we here at Linda Mendible are going to go through a small Rebrand and so I will be seeing you all soon! I know I will miss you too, but it’s only for a week or two. This is not the end but the beginning to a whole new adventure!

I am so excited!



P.S. Our Podcast will be Launching as well as some other exciting things. Please continue to keep us in your prayers, please also leave a few comments, I don’t bite, really! If anything has resonated with you or you’d like to speak on anything please don’t be afraid to reach out or comment and give me some love.

Also, if your heart wants to, which of course it would, become an insider by signing up & start with this challenge! I also share things on our email list that I don’t share here, so please sign up now.

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