Day 30: Carry Your Cross

Hello Love,


Congratulations, you made it. You have been in The Word for 30 days! You know, many times we want to look at all the good things God can do, that God is doing and that God wants to do in our lives.
Many times we want to look towards God’s Hand and not seek His face. Remember, we learned that perhaps God moves by the intentions of our hearts.
If there is anything we can learn from the Word of God it’s this, God doesn’t judge from outside appearances and He doesn’t expect us to neither. We have to look past what we see and exercise our eyes of faith.
In Proverbs 29:18 it says that without vision the people perish. What vision do you have on your life?

God didn’t say we wouldn’t go through hardships, He said He will give us the peace to go through them.


God didn’t say that negativity wouldn’t plague us, He said he’s given us the armor that we must put on.


Love, today’s challenge is about carrying your cross. Regardless of what you are going through, regardless of the hardships, the storms and the never-ending pile of bills, He wants you to pick up your cross and live the life through the fruits of the spirit. Through the Joy and Peace that only He can bring into your life.
Jesus said, during his 40 days in the wilderness, while being tempted by the devil,


“’Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'” Matthew 4:4


Could it be Love, that God wants you to develop eternal things that come from the spirit? For you not to live by the constraints or the demands of this physical world but to be fed, led and given vision by the spirit.
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Today’s Challenge


Write down the hardship you are going through, I challenge you to look past it and find the treasure within this moment, within your hardship. What is God working on the inside of you.

For example…
I can’t seem to keep a messy house clean. Well Love, that means you have a home.
I am overwhelmed with all of these bills. Well Love, that means you are enjoying what those bills pay for, you get to pay them.


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