Day 24: Strength in Peace

Hello Love,


There is strength in Peace. No matter what challenge you face, no matter what may be in front of you, when we resolve to acquire Peace in all our actions, we walk with a certainty a strength that no one can take away from us.


In John 14:27 Jesus tells us what He has given us, PEACE. He insists for our hearts to not be troubled or afraid.


What is currently on your heart, Love? What are you fearing? What do you need peace in?


An example of strength in peace can be found in Judges chapter 7, where God calls a man named Gideon to save his people from the Midianites. When Gideon felt that it was God calling him he brought an offering, and God said to him “Peace be unto you, Gideon, do not fear, for I am with you.”


Today God is telling you, Peace be with you, Love, do not be afraid He is with you.


Where God had appeared to Gideon, Gideon built an altar and called it by a name that means: “The Lord is peace.” Gideon recognized the peace that comes from God and the strength in the Peace in which God offers.


When you look at Gideon’s story, it reflects the strength that can be found in Peace. Gideon didn’t move until God reassured him. When Gideon was to go into battle with 22,000 God had him send back anyone who was fearful or afraid. Gideon ended up with 300 men.


It may have looked impossible to Gideon on what God could do, and we may get caught up in how our own situations may look to us.
God told Gideon, if he was afraid to go down to the camp where his enemies were, and that he would be strengthened. Gideon did just that and he over heard a dream and it’s interpretation which was exactly what Gideon needed to be at peace with going into battle with just 300 men.
Sometimes, God asks us to put away all of our fears in order for Him to work through us.
The story of Gideon is remarkable because throughout this story you can see God’s hand moving towards peace in order for Gideon to enter into what God was calling him to do.


Gideon won the battle, with the help of Almighty God with the Peace that only God can give.


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Today’s Challenge

Today’s Challenge is one of peace and reflection. This time, we’re reviewing how God has been working through us these last 24 days and perhaps the new fears that have surfaced.

Love, write three thoughts that bring you peace. Meditate on these moments, on these thoughts and stay within this peace knowing God is with you.



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