Day 21: Are You a Prisoner of Shame?

Hello Love,


You’re pursuing your dream, you’re pursuing your calling, now what? Well Love, did you know that there are certain strongholds that can hold you back or prevent you from accomplishing your dreams?
In 2 Corinthians 10:4 it states that

“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.”


When Jesus came to die for us, that’s exactly what He accomplished, for us to recognize and know that divine power that was within Him is within us. There is nothing we can not accomplish by his Grace.
Today’s question is one I see many creatives struggle with. There seems to be this illusion that because of our past or because of the shame we feel, we do not deserve the life God has called us towards.

What is it that’s holding you back Love?


Step into the fullness of His Grace and the sincerity of His call on your life.


There is no past He cannot wipe clean nor no present which He can not step into and transform. On the contrary Love, You are forgiven, redeem, restored.

Let go of the shame that’s holding you back and embrace the cleansing of His Holy Spirit on your life.


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Today’s Challenge


Take Hold of what God has given you to it’s fullest. Let go of whatever shame the enemy tries to put in your mind and understand the power within you! Write down 3 prayers thanking God for who He says you are and if you’re bold enough the scriptures to back it! Prayer is powerful Love, now for these remaining days, let these 3 prayers of thanking Him for who you are be your prayer and CLAIM your future!



On Instagram/Social Media, using the hashtag #30DaysofGraceChallenge, declare that you let go of shame and embrace the Call God has on your life, a declaration of moving forward and pursuing your dreams!



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