Day 28: The Power of Prayer

Hello Love,


Today, we are in wait with Jesus as he is told one of his beloved friends is sick.
Jesus says something very peculiar. When Jesus was approached about the one he loved (Lazarus) being sick, they didn’t tell him that he was sick, close to death. Or that the sickness was grim. No, but still Jesus said

“This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.” John 11:4


If anything we can learn from this passage is to Speak Life. Speak words that encourage. Speak words that bring life and light. No matter what news you hear, don’t speak of the negative what if’s speak on the positive. Speak Faith!
Jesus loved Martha, Mary and Lazarus and the scripture says because of this he stayed two more days where he was, and then he began to journey back to Judea. Imagine, 2 more days!
Sometimes, because of the Love God has for us, because of the work He is working within us, God will have you waiting. There is something God wants to do but at times He waits for it to look impossible. That thing you’re wishing for or believing for, God says wait, it’s coming. Some things need to first die before he resurrects them.


“Lazarus is dead, and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him.” John 11:14-15


God doesn’t want you to live a life less than, He wants you to live a life filled with His blessings. He wants you to BELIEVE in the life He is capable of providing for you. Even after it seems impossible.


When Jesus came to the tomb, he asked for the stone to be rolled away. Martha tried to explain to Jesus how there would be an odor because Lazarus had been dead for 4 days already.


Jesus challenged her and told her that if she believed she would see the glory of God. Do you believe Love? Do you believe that although impossible, that God can and will do it for you?


Then Jesus Prays out loud,


“Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me.”


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Today’s Challenge


Today’s Challenge is one of prayer. One of the things I’m believing for is healing for my family, blessings that we cannot contain and an anointing that can only come from God. I’m believing for wisdom to Stewart over all that He’s given us and Faith to believe in the God who moves mountains. Protection over the lives over our households and that we may serve the Lord all the days of our lives each and every single one of us. Prayer over Franklin, Emanuel, Andres and I, Linda. May God bless our path, guide it and establish our steps.


May our intentions always be to glorify God and for His glory. May we live a life filled with His Love and giving glory to His name all the days of our lives. In Jesus name Amen!



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