Event Decorating – Inspiration for a 1st Birthday!


I’m so excited to announce that my next Client is a lil girl turning 1 on June 7th but the party is set for June 8th! LOVE!

The theme is Coral, Mint Green hints of Teal with a vintage country feel ♥ You can check more of my inspiration via my Pinterest board HERE.

I’ve decided to do this week’s Decor Crush on Party Decor! I’m planing on using mostly eco-friendly materials for this momentous event.

I’m actually very excited about this and I know it’s going to be a success I’m very confident. It maybe the background I have with making custom bags. This to me, is so much easier and I feel it truly allows the gifts and talents God has given me to shine. Not cocky, CONFIDENT! I have faith and the skillz to take on this challenge!

Here are the latest inspiration on Decor Crush, that I feel would work wonderful for this lovely first birthday and are quite easy to take on.

[dropcap]1.[/dropcap]POM POMS

il_570xN.324746397 Source

I love the look of these Pom Poms! These are made with tissue paper. Love the pointed edge look.

il_570xN.489559189_p1kd Source

They are so easy to make and really create an impact to any party or event. You can incorporate these as chandeliers or even wall art! These look like they have more of a rounded edge making them a bit more softer.

[dropcap]2.[/dropcap] Paper Fan Art

LOVE the look of the varied paper fan sizes, it creates not only an impact for events and parties, but can also add a great playful look to any room.

green and white event fan art decor Source

pink coral mint paper fans event party birthday Source

You can also add these two fantastic concepts for cake decor i.e. cake toppers!

[dropcap]3.[/dropcap] Pin Wheels

Since my client is turning one, and mama doesn’t feel safe around candles just yet, I found a lovely alternative, Pinwheels! Mom can blow for her and baby girl can enjoy the magic that comes from a blown pinwheel. Win, Win.


pink polka dot pinwheels Source

[dropcap]4.[/dropcap] Balloons! 

A party isn’t complete unless it has balloons. I love this decorative take on blown balloons

Creative Balloon DecorSource

Events is all about creativity! The more creative the better, check out these helium blown balloons!

helium blown balloons hot air inspired Source

Gives a hole other level to horderves  ♥

[dropcap]5.[/dropcap] Hanging Art/Garland

decor712 Source

[dropcap]6.[/dropcap] Lights

This by far is one of my favorite party ideas! Love this it’s so simple and can really take a party from day to night in such a fun way.

Creative Light Garland


[dropcap]7.[/dropcap] Confetti!

confetti-thrower-1 Source

I mean, it’s confetti. Enough said.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed and most importantly I hope you got inspired.




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