Family Room Update! | Courage

Family Room Decorating around Brown Couches (2) Family Room Decorating around Brown Couches (3) Family Room Decorating around Brown Couches (4) Family Room Decorating around Brown Couches (1)

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.” Isaiah 43:18

Hello Love,

Today I have something truly special for you.

Currently while working on this amazing project, I really wanted to bring light in what God has revealed to me and I hope it blesses you.

Family Room 2 (1) Family Room 2 (2)

I was blessed enough for an amazing woman to reach out to me, that I may help her with her own family room and God has given me incredible revelation, inspiration & transformation while working on this space.

I’m here to tell you that change does not happen externally, it does not happen outwardly but it comes about from within, even before you see the outside transformation, the change is already yours it’s already there and it’s already happened from within.

Family Room 4 (1) Family Room 4 (2)

You see…God takes what ever you Give Him and HE transforms it. The light that shines, has always been in you…But once you give HIM what you already have…He transforms it, not only inwardly…but externally. He gives you what you need to walk into what you’re meant to walk into with confidence.

Family Room 1 (1) Family Room 1 (2)

When working on this space, I took a look at my own walk.. at my own revelations and as I always know, the reason why I go through the battles that I go through, is…to speak on and acknowledge what you are going through.

LET it GO.

Family Room 5 (1) Family Room 5 (2)


When you’re brave enough to give it to HIM, that’s when HE allows you to see what was already on the inside of you.

Your trials, your falls, your experience all have lead you to this point where GOD is confronting you on your own life and asking you…to let go of the past, not to hold on to it, to stop “DWELLING” on it.

Dwell – Definition
1:  to remain for a time 2a :  to live as a resident b :  exist, lie 3a :  to keep the attention directed —used with on or upon <tried not to dwellon my fears> b :  to speak or write insistently —used with on or upon <reporters dwellingon the recent scandal>

You’re living in the past, when He wants you to live in the NOW.

Family Room 3 Family Room 3

Change happens at times through phases, the first step is to realize that the process is necessary. The testing of your heart WORTH it and Love, He’s already placed everything you need within you.


It is a tremendous pleasure working in such a home and an amazing peace comes when you go through the process trusting not in your own strength but in His.

Just an Update…

The first phase to this space was lifting it up, my client was tired of the brown on brown and wanted to go from drab to fab! I guided my amazing client on the direction and we saw it through to this moment…The next step, or should I say phase, is an amazing Gallery wall that will definitely give this space a “finished” feel and that designers touch, or so I hope 🙂

♥, Linda


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