Hello Love!
How are you in this gorgeous day!
Recently I’ve been having the most amazing experiences and opportunities! Working with amazing people and having amazing, amazing, Fruits of those labors!
Like this past summer, working with a Creative Group I got to do a photo shoot, featuring my new Eco Pillows (with an assistant on scene which was amazing, every creative needs an assistant).
A crazy cool video for a Runway show where I’ll feature my First Fashion Collection of Clothing, which you can check out HERE.
An incredible opportunity to work with an AMAZING photographer, cool models, makeup artist with studio space and all to prepare for an Application for…
A second Runway Show! This Runway has a pretty sizable audience where key players of the fashion industry will be present! Hey Ashanti was there, that’s pretty cool beans that starz attend also. (I just sent in the application, pray for me!)
(You should totally join my email list: HERE because I sometimes give amazing intel on things not on the blog, you know, just FYI.)
The most recent opportunity that I’m truly loving is my two recent clients! 1 is a new client.
They have hired me for their unique design projects! How exciting is that! I’m going to help decorate a living room possibly more (LOVE IT! I have an early meeting and playdate, she has a 2year old, today at my clients house so if you follow me on Instagram: HERE. You may be able to catch a few before glimpses of the space.)
And the second a custom dress!
Giving away this pillow @ShabbyChicandCheap
But this recap is not about those amazing opportunities! It’s about the Day I Got these great Shots of my work and the 7 Keys on how opportunities can come your way.
I got to work with amazing Make-up Artist Shannon from Conversationz Sharpe, talented photographer Stan where you can check his site HERE. Great people, and great models! I worked with my model Julia for this shoot.
I had the honor and pleasure to have worked with Shannon the organizer and makeup artist of the group, contact me and invite me to this incredible opportunity!
Lately one of my top asked questions is “How do you do it?” Well, to be honest I don’t.
What do I mean? I mean, I don’t do anything different then anyone else accept that my number 1 priority is keeping God first!
It was right at the time that I transitioned into Interior Design and I thought that it would be perfect! I was in the process of making a new Eco, one of a kind, pillow collection. PhotoCredits: @StanChambersJr
[dropcap style=" "]1[/dropcap] Keep God First!
Many of you who have been with me for a while know that I’ve been changing! Change is a Good thing. If you’re new here, I will say that I take some crazy leaps of faith that sometimes rock and scare me.
One of the things that has me taking these leaps of faith is Keeping God First. In my journey as a Design Guru (eh hem) GOD is not only faithful He’s gracious enough not to give you everything that you ask for.
No matter how much you think you need a new pair of Manolos or a pedicure, no, wait, the pedicure its definitely needed.
I was blessed enough to have picked out my models “Look” and style her with what was available from the boutiques that had attended, here you can see one of them making sure that everything laid nicely. I was going for a Boho Chic, so in picking out her jewelry I went with some organic shapes and the dress went perfectly with the vibe. I considered what accented the collection best.
[dropcap style=" "]2[/dropcap] Pray, more specifically, Pray for the healing of your Soul
I know crazy right? Why pray for healing? “I don’t need healing Linda! I’m a healthy person, I need some concrete steps. pff prayer. Hey guys, look at this gal she’s talking about prayer.”
Well, let me tell you I’ve learned that when God calls you, you know that gut feeling, that still small voice that tells you “Go”.
When God has decided you’re going to be blessed, well honey, no one, nothing, no circumstance can prevent nor stop that.
But what stops blessings in their tracks is if you’re bitter, resentful, looked like you just sucked on a lemon pop, and a slew of negative speech is coming from your vocals, then yes you are a candidate of no progression in your life, until you cast those burdens on to Jesus.
Yes, I said it, you need Jesus. (*snap *snap) Because, no matter how hard you pray, how hard you ask(depending on what you are asking for), how much you give. You’re sitting in a stagnate pool of nowhere with those emotions.
Doors start opening up when your able to receive God in your life and he’ll give you the grace to mingle with people & situations in a very flexible way and that happens by keeping God first.
It was amazing working with a team, there were various groups in that 1 day and I was amazed at the talent. There were stylists including local boutiques who also contributed.
[dropcap style=" "]3[/dropcap] Renew your mind
Think positive thoughts, listen to motivational content that is positive. No curse words. Do you have any idea what it does to your soul’s health?
[dropcap style=" "]4[/dropcap]Step Out
I’m a believer that God places dreams in our hearts for a reason. Often times we let fear run our lives way more then we should. Let God be your GPS in life. (you can tweet that, take it to the bank and cash it!)
[dropcap style=" "]5[/dropcap] Make a plan
(Habakkuk 2:2) This is where to-do lists and amazing apps like Wunderlist come in handy.
[dropcap style=" "]6[/dropcap] Wait.
Patiently and actively wait on the next step that God may be leading you to take. You have to, at times just push through the negative thoughts and believe that something amazing will come your way.
Many give up in this step but I encourage you if you have a love for something or truly know that you are meant to do something. DO NOT GIVE UP. Go back to key number 3.
[dropcap style=" "]7[/dropcap] Pray & have faith.
I hope you enjoyed . If you tried everything under the sun, why not try keeping God first.
What has been your experience with keeping God first or Stepping out in faith?
Ciao, xoxo
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I love this post. Each step is very true. When God is first everything else will fall in place. Thanks for sharing and have a blessed day.
Thank you Renee! That is the truth! I’ve found on days I feel drained all it takes is a powerful WORD! ♥
This post sure has some great advice! Love it!
I have to say that Wudnerlist has been a tremendous help to me, I just recently downloaded it and I use it all.the.time!
Thank you Marissa, I know! Wunderlist rocks! It’s a great way to schedule your day, Week, Month even by the hour ^_^
This post sure has some great advice! Love it!
I have to say that Wudnerlist has been a tremendous help to me, I just recently downloaded it and I use it all.the.time!
Thank you Marissa, I know! Wunderlist rocks! It’s a great way to schedule your day, Week, Month even by the hour ^_^
I love this post. Each step is very true. When God is first everything else will fall in place. Thanks for sharing and have a blessed day.
Thank you Renee! That is the truth! I’ve found on days I feel drained all it takes is a powerful WORD! ♥