Recap! My Art Exhibit Reception!

Phew! What an eventful month! I’m excited to get into the new Month and sooooo ready for Spring!

This month I did my first ever exhibit as an Artist, eeeek! Good times and I also organized a Triangle Mompreneur Group which is pretty neat.

It’s nerve wracking for me to show my art, especially my abstract work because I feel as though…will they get it?  One of the challenges I face is, letting go of fear.

It’s not easy putting yourself out there and your beliefs, it seems someone is bound to judge you or get offended. Yea it happens.

Regardless of the hardships, the doubts and insecurities I try to share what I can in hopes to maybe encourage, bring a different perspective or just bring some hope.

This is a recap of my Reception at the Cultural Center in Holly Springs, NC which took place March 8th 2014

My Collection was Called: Through the Wilderness…

2 Art Show my name in Papers! (1)

It was so amazing seeing my name in the local papers!! I’m actually going to frame this! Although it’s not a review I consider it a win!

This Collection is my Journey in finding my Calling and Stepping into my Promised Land.

Inspired by God…

… and going through the trials and tribulations in being guided by Faith.

I hope you Enjoy.

March 2014 Art Exhibit Holly Springs Cultural Center & Library (4)

From left to right: From Nothing: when I had a psychotic break in August 2008, literally losing my mind, I truly know what it is to have nothing. When you lose your sanity you have nothing, you can’t function.

This experience has allowed me to appreciate each and every single day, because trust me, each day you get to sip your coffee, have the freedom to do as you please for the day, able to exercise, eat at restaurants, walk, have the opportunity to achieve your dreams, it’s a blessing!

The Black is imperfect because I wanted something to represent the imperfectness within each of us.

To Something: Jesus met me right there, in the loneliness of the psych ward, where I called out to Him every night and where I would have nightmares every night.

Some nurses were beautiful, others so cold and the worst part was not knowing if I ever was going to leave that place because they lock you up without letting you know when you are released.

The Scariest thing ever!

Jesus met me in the chaos, I stepped into the light. In this painting the black is actually cracking and there is yellow, representing the light, coming through the cracks.

The Wilderness: I believe when Jesus has touched your life you, go through a wilderness.

Right after Jesus was Baptized by John the baptist, Jesus was lead into the wilderness after being confirmed by God that Jesus was His son. Matthew 4.

The wilderness is also where I believe God takes you to renew your mind, transform you to think outside of the box, when God lead the Israelite into the wilderness I believe God wanted them to change their thinking, that they were no longer slaves and that He was leading them to their promised land.

Excerpt: In August 2008 I was completely lost and I had nothing. By the Grace of God, Jesus had pulled me out into the Light. But with every journey we go through, there are battles. I had yet to learn of the saving Grace of Jesus Christ and life still was without form. Weeping may endure through the night…Represents entering the wilderness to be able to think outside the box. Going through the wilderness also is a representation of waiting.  Through the waiting we also encounter storms, these storms mold us into who we are meant to become.

March 2014 Art Exhibit Holly Springs Cultural Center & Library (8)

The Storm: Life, creativity, we all go through storms in life. Are you currently going through a storm? 

The Desert: Sometimes God takes us here that we may realized that we thrust for righteousness. It’s about not feeding the flesh, discipline is developed and a sincere cry to God, because something is truly missing in our lives.

Excerpt: When you are trying to finding who you are, we always are lead into the desert.

March 2014 Art Exhibit Holly Springs Cultural Center & Library (3)

Looking in the mirror: This represents going through the desert of creativity in order to find the revelation on who I am, and who I am meant to be, personally and creatively. It’s about truly reflecting on oneself.

March 2014 Art Exhibit Holly Springs Cultural Center & Library (5)

Abundance: Revelation sets in after the desert, a freedom arrives, red representing the blood Jesus has shed for us.

March 2014 Art Exhibit Holly Springs Cultural Center & Library (6)

Structure & Balance: A Structure is created, as we learn to focus these revelations and achieve.

My Palette (Past & Present): Which is also the actual palette I used to create this collection. The tools we have used from our past comes into our present in a beautiful way, The chaos that we once experienced now makes sense.

March 2014 Art Exhibit Holly Springs Cultural Center & Library (7)

Dance & Joy

Joy comes in the Morning Psalms 30:5

March 2014 Art Exhibit Holly Springs Cultural Center & Library (9)

The lady on the left actually said one of my pieces had really spoke to her, and she felt as though it represented a moment in her life well.

March 2014 Art Exhibit Holly Springs Cultural Center & Library (10)

March 2014 Art Exhibit Holly Springs Cultural Center & Library (11) March 2014 Art Exhibit Holly Springs Cultural Center & Library (12)

Some of the Moms from my Triangle Mompreneurs Group!  These ladies are such a Blessing!!!

March 2014 Art Exhibit Holly Springs Cultural Center & Library (13)

March 2014 Art Exhibit Holly Springs Cultural Center & Library (14)

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My Husband and Son greatly encourage me, I thank JESUS & GOD for them! I’m a blessed woman!

Thank you all so much for taking the time to read and look at the pictures. Thank you for supporting, thank you for being who you are, may God bless you abundantly! I’m not perfect, but I’m thankful that I have a perfect savior, Jesus.

Have you ever experienced the wilderness? What was your experience when you were going through tough times in your life and how did you triumph over them? I’d love to know. ♥

Until Next time! Ciao!


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