Stylish with eshakti sundress at the NC Bloggers Meetup!

Hey Loves!

First of all, I just want to say that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this dress. The best part of Eshakti is their customization! I was able to choose the length of my dress, pocket or no pockets and the style sleeve! It really makes it personal and that much more of a piece you’ll always love in your closet or wearing it stylishly at events. 🙂


DSCF3223 DSCF3224 DSCF3208 DSCF3206Style Details: Dress [eshakti] Heels [Hot Topic] Arm party [Old] Glasses [Oakley]

Get 10% off at Eshakti with Coupon Code: LDMES

When I was asked to speak, by Kathy from, her blog is fabulous by the way, and Madison from Wetherills Say I Do at a humble meetup with local bloggers from across the North Carolina I was beyond happy, excited and a bit scarred!

I’ve always been verbal and very opinionated when it comes to friends and family, but this event was something different and something special. For some reason I just held on to

Luke 12:12 “For the Holy Spirit will make clear to you in that very hour what to say.”

It was my first time public speaking. You can imagine the jitters, quite frankly I really didn’t have any, I know GOD was with me, even there.

I’m so thankful of being given the chance to speak on my experiences. I have so much to say and to be honest I didn’t know where to start at first. Do I speak on my Testimony? Being a business owner? Transition? Motivation?

When it all came down to it, I decided to speak on Blogging after all, that’s why we are all there! haha. 😛

DSCF3175These ladies are such a blessing and they are so beautiful it radiates from within to their amazing presence. Madison is on the left she is just cuteness all around and Kathy on the right so humble and just beautiful inside and out, both of them.DSCF3177I for one understand the levity of putting something together and they did it with such ease and grace. They had even provided us with swag bags! I LOVED the North Carolina stickers on the side. They handled everything with precision and humility.
DSCF3178To be perfectly honest, I didn’t feel like I even deserved to be a speaker at such an amazing event. It also turned out that I was the only speaker and so I was “The Speaker”, no pressure. Kathy and Madison really made me feel so incredible. Along with the dress, let’s just say I felt like I was in a movie. haha!

Honestly, I truly believe that I can learn a lot more from all these amazing bloggers than they can ever learn from me. I went away with just a phrase in my spirit “God is always Faithful“.

I was so thankful that I got to meet and speak with many of the ladies who attended. From the far back left to right on the above picture: Lauren from sunshine and sweet tea – I could hang with this girl! She’s so insightful and she knows a whole lot about food.

Stacy from Any Girl Can Do It – She is so beautiful, I could just have a cup of cool lemonade and lounge on a porch while she just pours into me.

Tiffany from MrsTee Love Life Laughter or Miss Thang is what I’d like to say, she’s just so sassy and she is so fun! I loved when she just gave me grace and peace about my son while I was trying to let him take a nap.

(Emanuel was so cranky, I had to bring him along because the hubby had to work, a blessing, but come to find out he was cranky because he was and is teething. I love my baby boy!)

Lee Lee From Every Day Fashion by Lee she’s so sweet! LOVE her style! Girl is on fire.

Angela from Head To Toe Chic her blog is the business, she is super stylish and very humble, in all actuality would of loved hearing her tips 🙂

And coming right around to the lady in blue, Carmody from Paper and Fox she’s so suave, I guess it’s because of her Private Eye background, I know! Talk about fascinating. When I told her she was cool she lifted her arm in protest and said “I’m totally not!” I know! So humble too. ♥

There were so many other amazing bloggers there! I just wanted to at least put a name to the face in this picture above 🙂 If you attended just add your link to the comments! Would looove to follow you on your journey, seriously!

DSCF3184eshakti, you guys rock! Photo taken by Carmody from Paper and Fox

DSCF3185Photo taken by Carmody from Paper and Fox
DSCF3190DSCF3191The amazing experience, the topper of the cake is when we started to socialize and mingle. Carmody was kind enough to not only take pictures of me when I was speaking but also do a lil photoshoot which resulted in giggles laughs and fun! Love how bloggers Tiffany and Lauren pumped me up in taking some pictures of my amazing outfit, I was also given great tips on posing, thank you Tiffany! Can I just say Life is AMAZING!

Linda Mendible with Eshakti dressPhoto taken by Carmody from Paper and Fox

Sundress is c/o eshakti {we design you customize}

Featured Image by Wetherills Say I Do

There is so much more I’d love to say, such as what exactly I spoke on, you know the details. To what I wish I would of also said and added. A blog post can only be so long! So I’ll be tackling on the rest of this day on Friday next week on Blogging 101. What I spoke about and what I wish I would of said along with the contents of my swag bag hehe.

Until Next Time Ciao!!

NC 2014 Blogger meetup swag bag




  1. Griffin @ The Design Itch says:

    Looks like a great event, hope to attend one in the future! Such a pretty Dress!
    The Design Itch

  2. Griffin @ The Design Itch says:

    Looks like a great event, hope to attend one in the future! Such a pretty Dress!
    The Design Itch

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