Yard Sale Crush

Hello Love,

Lately I’ve been basking in the glow of having a schedule and a routine. With that I get to check out cool things and just search for inspiration. On Sunday’s, Franklin is usually playing baseball with the guys, that’s when I get a chance to catch some awesome finds like these gorgeous pieces I caught on our way back from one of Franklin’s games.

Yard Sale Finds (2) Yard Sale Finds (3) Yard Sale Finds (4) Yard Sale Finds (5) Yard Sale Finds (6) Yard Sale Finds (7) Yard Sale Finds (8) Yard Sale Finds (9) Yard Sale Finds (10) Yard Sale Finds (11) Yard Sale Finds (12) Yard Sale Finds (13) Yard Sale Finds (14)

Never doubt the magic that can happen in a yard sale crush, or while going through EVERY aisle of a new store or just thrift-ing. It’s all fun and it’s all inspiring, who knows you might find something that resonates and inspires you.


I LOVE these pieces and some how want to incorporate them in my overall decor, especially in these built ins that our current apartment has.


Before, I wasn’t to keen on decorating an apartment just because it’s soooo temporary, but the more that I’m intentional about it the more I learn and have greater ideas for when we do make that transition into a home.



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